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"Uhm... are you sure? It looks like you're not." A boy that was holding onto someone's hand asked. Damn. gotta admit, he looks fine.

"Yeah, I'm...-"I glanced at each of their faces and stop at the last face."-...fine."

"I need to go now, toodles- kiddos!" I turn around waving my hand.

"Bye...?- Wait- did you just called us kids!?" One of the guys called out.

And here goes my cue..!

I ran as fast as I could as if I was on a marathon.

Gosh, I've never run so fast in my entire life. I couldn't even feel my legs at this point.

Damn these short legs of mine!


Finally... I saw my classroom door, Class A1-1. I knocked on the door and without waiting for any response, I opened the door gradually then closed it behind me.

I looked around the classroom, making eye contact with everyone that's currently staring at me.

"Oh! Y/n! I was waiting for you, the door was about to close." she said smiling

"I'm terribly sorry Mrs. Min, I was at the restroom." I apologized with a smile and she nodded, signalling me to sit.

I walk to my seat, eyes still glued at me.

"Tch... What're you looking at?!" I whisper-shout while glaring at them all, my tone full of mixed emotions. They all gave one last glance before looking away. Finally.

Minutes later the door burst open and all heads turn to the door. Ugh. I stood up, grabbing every one attention... Again.

"You're late! You will be spending your day at school wearing the 'I'm late for class and I shall be punished~' sign hung around your neck."

"Thank you class rep, now-" Mrs Min turned to look at him. "You shall wear the sign, and for the last time- why are you late? Again?" She asked with an annoyed tone, handing him the sign.

"I was...-chasing someone." he looked around the classroom.

I know who he's referring to. So, I lay my head on the table and looked out the window. This kids are so annoying.

"And who may be this "someone"?" Mrs Min asked raising an eyebrow.

"Someone... just someone." He replied hastily, still looking around the class.

"Okay...? Then we'll have to discuss this later on. For now, we need to study."

I could feel someone staring at me, it feels as if it's burning through my skin.


Finally! Class is over! for now... I took my eye patch off and changed it to cover my left eye.

You see, My eyes are abnormal. Yes, I have heterochromia. I got it from mom and dad. My eye colours are different but these bitches don't even notice it.

My left eye is light brown while my right eye is light blue.

I waited for him to go out and once he's out, I'll make a run for it.

I looked around, spotting him leave the class.

What a relief... I stood up and made my way out of class.

Looking at all directions, I spot the 7 boys playing and joking around on the hallway, again. But that guy that caught my attention before was also playing.

Huh... That's weird, I thought he would be the sad or emo type. A tsundere? Maybe?

And... Way to go, Soujin! You judge someone by their looks again. Wow, Perfect.

I scoffed walking past them.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!" I just ignored it, thinking it wasn't me that was being called.

"Hey, can't you hear me?! I'm calling you brown hair girl!" I turned around and saw them eyeing me.

"" I tilted my head, pointing at myself.

"Yes, you. Come here."

"No, like hell I'm doing that."

"Just come here!"

I rolled my eyes, what a pain. I walked to their direction and stopped meters from them.

"What do you bitches want?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"1. Did you just scoffed at us? 2. Who do you think you are? 3. Do you even know who the fuck we are?" His voice is so annoying. For God sake, I wanna slap his mouth shut.

Students that were still at the hallway, started gathering around us.

"1. Yes. 2. I'm Kang fucking Soujin, the bitch. And 3. I don't give zero fucks who you are."

"Ooooh... That must've hurt." One of the students mumbled.

The students around me started to cheer.

I flip my hair after, earning whistles.

Yes, I'm such a bitch.

"Don't you know who we are!? We could get you expelled if we report to our father!"

"Do it then."


"I said fucking do it! Go report to your daddy!"

"A weak girl trying to act brave, heh. How cute."

"I might look weak..." I paused looking at the cold looking guy and smirked. "But I could certainly get you expelled in a snap."


"I dare you!"

"What?" I hummed.

"I dare you! To get me expelled!"

"We could get you expelled today."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I walked to the cold looking one and whispered to him.

"Don't come back begging for me. Pretty boy."

I pushed him aside to the boy next to him, lightly making space for me to walk in-between.

"Go Soujin!!!"

I heard students tell in excitement and amusement, I gave them a little wave as I wandered off.

...Finally, I gotta eat! Kids these days are too troublesome.

I walked into the cafeteria and the whole place immediately went quite. A smirk was plastered all over my face.

They knew really well what had happened even without being at the scene.

"Your lunch miss Soujin."

"Mister please just call me Soujin." He nodded and I bowed.

I walk to my usual table where my friends were at.

"Hey, whores."


I sat down at one of the chairs.

"So... tell us what happened." One of my friends asked.

"Just some weird-ass kids tryna fight." I
took a spoonful of food and ate it.

"So, who are they?"

"I dwont nokw." I said in between munches.

"Hey, don't talk while you're eating!"


1019 words

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