the raikage (17-19)

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The Raikage Chapter 16: New Kumo



Summon Speech

I do not own Naruto what so ever or any of the characters or any of the OC that I used from other shows or games

Last time on Raikage

For the next hour or so, Naruto and Anisu continued to talk about what to do for the Alliance Gathering and what else they had left to prepare. Eventually though they decided to call it a night, but before he left Anisu asked Naruto if there were any orders regarding to Sasuke when he met him.

At this Naruto just smiled and gave him order, where after hearing what Naruto wanted him to do, Anisu just smiled and said "With pleasure", before leaving the room.

Once Anisu, left the room, Naruto slightly chuckled to himself and thought, "Things will certainly become more interesting in the coming weeks."

-The Great Naruto Bridge, One week Later-

Two months after the Battle of Konoha, the representatives of Konoha arrived at the Great Naruto Bridge.

The group itself was larger than what most people would expect a diplomatic group to be, where it was made up of the members of the former Konoha twelve, along with the Godaime Hokage Tsunade, her former team-mate Jiraiya and her "advisors" Danzo, Homura and Koharu.

Also with them were Umino Iruka and his three month pregnant wife Anko and their now six year old daughter Aiko. As well as former team leader of team seven, Hatakae Kakashi, the former Head of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hiashi and a member of Danzo's ROOT division.

The group was also accompanied by the representative of the Fire Daimyo, who wished to form good relationship with his neighbouring nation and the growing super power.

The representative was none other than the famed Samurai General Takeda Shingen, cousin of the Fire Daimyo and leader of Hi no Kuni's (Fire Country) most powerful and influential Samurai Clan, the Takeda Clan.

Shingan was a revered General and Samurai, who was known and respected by all Shinobi and non-Shinobi and was known as Tora Hi no Kuni (The Tiger of Fire Country). But not only was he a master tactician and a brilliant leader of men in battle, but was also a capable diplomat, who knew the value of forging good relations with ones neighbours and knew when to compromise.

Shingen was a massive man, who had large muscular build and stood six foot six, well over everyone else in the group including Jiraiya, (who was six foot two). He wore crimson red armour and headdress dawned with large bull like horns on the top and carried a massive battle axe on his back, much like Choji. (1)

As the group made their way across The Great Naruto Bridge they were met by a squad of New Kumo Shinobi, who were part of the division that was stationed at Nami no Kuni.

Once all the members of the group had been searched, and were made to hand over their weapons. They were escorted to the village, where they met Inari and several of his Samurai.

"Greetings Hokage-sama, welcome to Nami no Kuni, my name is Inari and I am in charge of security here", spoke the young man.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Inari-taicho" greeted the Blonde Hokage with a kind smile, where she then held out her hand in friendship, which the young Samurai took. After which Tsunade then introduced Inari to the rest of her group (the ones he did not know).

the raikage (17-19)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon