Unspoken words... 7

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SanJee's POV:

It has been 2 weeks since the news got out and everything was at peace... Well sort of. I was happy being with the boys. They helped me through alot and i got to know them more as time went by. But you see, that is also the problem. Having them with me all the time made alot of the fangirl jealous and i am not suprise because these boys are climbing their way up the music charts. Constant glares and daggers were always thrown my way and it didn't feel very nice hearing them talk constantly behind my back as i walked by. I couldn't even be alone for 5 minutes because Chanyeol would be scared that I'll get harassed by the fangirl or paparazzi. He worries about me alot and i am thankful but i want alone time aswell. Still getting use to having so many people around and because of that I would flinch or glare when i didnt mean too.

Me and Chanyeol were currently walking down the hallway that was filled with many people. I stared straight ahead but the odd thing was, no one seemed to be talking about me. They just greeted Chanyeol as we walked past and some even greeted me.

My head automatically tilted out of confusion but i shrugged it off. It was good that they weren't, a nice change. Chanyeol seemed to have noticed too because he gave me a weird look.

"Everyone seems nice today." I nodded my head in agreement.

He checked his wristwatch and i saw his eyebrows crinkle in distress. I tapped his shoulder to get his attention and raised my eyebrows to ask what.

He let out a sigh and gave me a small smile.

"I have to go soon. Exo is having a meeting for our upcoming concert. I can't walk you home today." He smiled sadly at me and i smiled back. As much as I liked him walking me home, i wanted to walk home by myself because I'll use this time to think.

"will you be okay by yourself or do you want some-" I shook my head before he could finish. I really wanted to talk home by myself. I haven't been able to do it in a while now and I kind of missed it.

He let out a chuckle before stopping. I was dropping him off at the gate so he could go. "Arasso. I'll leave now. Bye SanJee, text me when you get home okay?" I nodded my head again. This guy is so.. Cautious? Rolling my eyes he laughed as he ruffled my hair.

Aish. I pushed his hand away and he let out another laugh before waving goodbye. I waved back before heading inside.

So far, i haven't made any friends that were girls and it was quite hard because every single one seemed to be against me hanging with exo. I let out a sigh as i walked down the corridor. I stared straight ahead when i felt those daggers being pointed at me again. I guess they were just playing nice infront of Chanyeol so he wouldn't hate them. These girls are really... Crazy..

I walked faster before turning a corner. Slipping into the classroom and sitting down before anyone could catch me.. Not that anyone was..

Classes went by in a Blur. They dragged on and on but I remembered nothing. Even though I tried my best to listen to the lectures, it didn't sink in.

Aish, I need to focus. I go to school to study and that's what I'm going too do! I scanned the words but it didn't sink in.

Aish! Its been 3 whole hours of scanning this book and I've only made it in 3 pages. I scruffled my hair. Blowing raspberry before slamming the book shut. That's it. I'm leaving, I'll do it at home.

I quickly packed everything up into my bag and left the building. The hallways were empty By now because school had ended so it was just me.

I checked my wristwatch, 5pm.

I better get home quick. I pushed open the door of the building,

water dripped from my hair down to my toes. Someone played a prank and I am not amused. That's when I heard snickering before it turned into laughter. I looked to see Julie and her two friends came out laughing.

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