Unspoken words... 14

460 27 6

SanJee's POV:

Morning came and I woke up to the sound if chirping birds. I squinted at the bright sunlight coming from my window before realising I couldn't get up. I opened my eyes fully to see chanyeols chest! Oh my Goss. We ended up falling asleep again.
Feeling something heavily on my waist I looked down to see Chanyeol's arm wrapped around then. My cheeks began heating up so quickly. Not only did I fall asleep next to Chanyeol, but I fell asleep in his arms! OMG, this is definitely not something best friends would Do. I tried to squeeze out of his embrace but only to have him pull me tighter into his arms.

"5 more minutes SanJee-ah" He mumbled.
So he knows I'm awake? He knows he's sleeping next to me? He's sleeping here at his own will?


*beep beep*
I turned to my right and clicked off to the alarm. I've been getting use to my phone. I've learnt many things about it and I'm quite fascinated!

7:30 am

I shook Chanyeol awake. He shot up in bed before giving me a lopsided grin. If I wasn't in panic mode I would have melted but we need to get ready for school. I quickly showed him the time and he too shot out of bed.. well sofa.

"Shiz. I left my uniform at home. Aish." He said as he ruffled his Hair.
I could hear him on the phone as I got changed. Once changed I headed downstairs. Grabbing two apples before giving it too Chanyeol.
he looked trouble. I sneaked up behind and tapped his shoulder to which he flinched too.

"Omona! You scared me SanJee-ah." I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"I called BaekHyun to bring me my uniform. I'm going to change into it at school." He told me.

I grabbed his hand and handed him the apple.

Are you okay? You look stressed?

"I'm okay SanJee-ah. Don't worry about me." I frowned at him as he smiled at me.

"Come on. Let's go to school." I watched as he bit into his apple before heading out the door.

The two walked along side each other. Their hands still intertwined as the entered the Convenience store.

"I'll you ice-cream this time. Next time you can treat me okay?" He winked and I blushed furiously as I went to grab my usual.

He paid for the ice-cream at the counter and we headed out. He kept running his hand through his hair and I could tell something was bothering him.

I stopped in my tracks causing him to falter back due to our linked hands. Which I'm still curious about. Why do we do this?
It leaves a tingling feeling in my guts.
I shook my head out of my thoughts before looking up at the curious Chanyeol.

What's wrong? Tell me or I'll stand here all day

I'm a pretty persistent person. I'll tell you that.

He let out a sigh before grabbing both my hands and pulling me into a hug.

My eyes widen. What is he doing! Why so sudden! My heart was beating 10- 1000000 beats per minute.

I looked up at Chanyeol who had his eyes closed as he rested his chin on my head.

"SanJee-ah, there's something I must tell you. I-i don't know wh- how you'll respond but I hope we are still friends after what I say."


"I don't know when it began. Or how it happened but I know that whenever I see you, you make me feel light inside. Do you hear it? Do you hear my heart beating for you as we hug?

I like you SanJee-ah. I like you a lot."

Shocked. Shock was what I was feeling. I could feel my feet tremble with happiness. Is this real? Does he really like me? It's not a joke right?

I pulled away. Keeping our hands enacted. I could see panic written all over his face.

"W-wait. - - you don't have to like me b-back. I can wait. I'll wait until you're ready SanJee-ah. Its-"

I don't know how I found the strength but I cut him off.

"I like you too Chanyeol."

I stood there shocked. So was he.

"Did you just? You did! I knew if I waited long enough it would happen." He laughed as he hugged me.

"Oh I'm so glad." I smiled as I hugged him back. Sticking my face into his chest. Hiding my blushing cheeks.
I felt him run his hands through my hair.

"I knew your voice was beautiful. "

I blushed even harder. I can't believe everything that has happened. Is it for real?

"Just wait SanJee. When I'm finish with exo's comeback, I'll come back for you. So we can be an official couple."


Author's note:

Cheese cheese cheese. So freaking cheesy. I hope you guys enjoyed the update though.
I must go now. :)

much love xx

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