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Hello everyone!

Welcome to my second book which im so happy to write!

Quirk: Nightmare!

Description: Allows y/n to create things out of shadows. If y/n touches opponent with any of these objects they get forced into their worst nightmare for 5 minutes.

Drawbacks of this include: Dizziness, confusion, and random states of fear, panic attacks / Anxiety attacks.

Somethings to remember or if it's your first time reading a "X-reader"

-y/n (your name)
-l/n (last name)
-h/c (hair color)
-h/l (hair length)
-e/c (eye color)
-f/c (favorite color)

You should also beware that the song linked you in media area im using as my "plot" it gives me yandere vibes / villain vibes. It kinda gives off what im looking for if that make sense... Ahaha?

Oh! One more thing "aishite aishite aishite" means "love me, love me, love me" the song above is Japanese.

If there is anything not in English i will have a spot either next to word to define it or at the end of the chapter.

See you all in the next update~💙

Aishite Aishite (villain! izuku midoriya x Shy! reader)Where stories live. Discover now