chapter 4

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Tsu and mineta stood behind you as you face izuku. "I thought you were dead. You were labeled dead! T-they found your body!" You were shaking with fear.

The Emerald green boy stuck out his hand to ruffle your long/short hair/color hair. "Its a plus when you work with villains. With a snap of your fingers you can have your whole identity gone." He smirked.

You slapped his hand away from your hair. "Don't even touch me y-you villain!"

"Tsk tsk y/n. You should know better then that. If you come with me your class will be completely safe." He stuck out his hand to you. "I keep my word sweetie."

Tsu stepped in front of you "no, she will not go with you! She wont be your little pawn." Even the purple haired boy stood in front of you. He was terrified shaking to the bone but yet you stood there.

I looked over the edge of the boat. I could jump but the water would be freezing and I can't swim well at all. But I also can't fail my class, they would be so upset with me. Should I just give in and go with izuku.

You smirked stepping in front of your class mates. "I won't go with you without a fight."

Tsu and mineta stared at you baffled. "What a shame though girly. Not only could i steal your quirk but i could have there's two."

You titled your head like a puppy absolutely confuzzled. "How? Your just a quirkless boy." At this point maybe scaring him would get him to leave.

You slid ur left hand behind your back singling your friends and get help. We three couldn't fight a top villain. Or a so called 'top' villain.

Quickly with the little fate tsu had for you. The green haired girl grabbed the purple haired short male. And leaped off the boat landing safely on the sand.

Izuku smirked watching them leave. "Oh wow~. What 'good' friends you have." He added finger quotes over the word good. He took a couple sets closer to you causing you to step back leaning against the boats sliver rales.

"Fuck." You looked over shoulder then back at izuku. His smirk grew wider like he has goten completely maden. "Ah still can't swim? Huh? So sad~." Tapping your temple caused you to send a shiver down your spine.

"Even if you can jump. My boys down there will get you~ they won't help you. I personally would prefer you to be well alive." He grabbed you by your uniform collar. " I could just throw you off myself."

You released a small yelp out of complete fear. " I don't want to go with you! I have a life here. Unlike you ever did." You reached a hand out to 'touch him' but instead you touched the dark shadow behind him.

You pushed him off and stood there smirking. "Game over." He stood looking around then back at you. Rising his right eye brow.

"What the hell was that?" He asked looking around again. Your mouth opened wide baffled. "N-no fears.."

He smirked again. "I do adore that quirk baby~."

Aishite Aishite (villain! izuku midoriya x Shy! reader)Where stories live. Discover now