Tamir Rice

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Tamir Rice was only TWELVE years old when he was shot.

this happened in November of 2014.

him and his friend were in the park throwing snowballs and he was playing with a toy pellet gun that shot plastic bullets.

Timothy Loehmann was a white officer. he pulled into the park and within 2 seconds of him getting out of his car, the kid was dead.

it took 2 and a half years for them to fire the officer who shot him. and the officer who drove Loehmann to the kid, was suspended for 10 days.

Timothy McGinty said that no one will be charged because they believe it was a "miscommunication" between officer dispatch and the officers.

McGinty was later ousted from his position because of how he handled the shooting.

the person who called 911 about Rice, said there was a "juvenile" who had a gun and was pulling it in and out of his pants and pointing it at people even though it was probably fake."

when the dispatcher told the officers, he did not mention that it was a kid and that it was probably fake.

misunderstandings do happen, but why would you not at least give him a chance. everything about this situation is stupid and uncalled for.

while i agree it might have been a misunderstanding, that doesn't mean that i agree with what they did.

death is terrifying and it was unnecessary.

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