a feud.

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you payton and chase keep taking for the next few hours until the sun rises. chase fell asleep in his chair. at about 6 nick come back to the hospital.

N | hey baby.

you were so lost in that moment. you looked at payton. you looked back at nick. he gave you a kiss. when you look up. payton looked heartbroken. nick looked happy to see you. like he should.

y/n | hey nick. how'd you sleep.

N | great. hey payton. good to see you up.

P | yeah.

N | so what all happened here.

y/n | just some crazy guy walked into the store.

N | chase said he heard a lot of yelling.

P | it's really nothing. just crazy people.

chase wakes up. when he sees nick he looked at payton. chase stood up.

C | so pay pay how do you feel?

P | shut up chase.

C | right.

N | so when do you get out of here.

P | they said by the end of the day.

nick reaches over and grabs your hand. payton clearly saw.

y/n | i can't do this.

you stand up and run out of the room.

* focus is on the boys *

N | what was that about?

chase and payton look at each other.

P | i don't know. that's really weird of her.

N | what do you think she was talking about.

C | probably your relationship.

P | chase what the hell!

C | what. i'm just guessing.

N | wait you actually think so?!

C | someone has to go get her!

everyone looks around.


N | idk what i'm supposed to do.

P | go get her!

N | idk where she went.

P | are you fucking serious nick! you are just going to let her leave. do you even understand how lucky you are?! i have stood up for y/n countless times when you have stood there and watched. i've waited for you to stand up for your own girlfriend and you fail every time. i have no idea why she's still with you!

N | you know what payton! i've been so suspicious of you since the first day. you showed up out of nowhere and all of a sudden have all these invisible privileges! you don't think i saw you take a late night walk to klanker with my girlfriend.

P | were you following us?!

N | what do you have with my girlfriend.

P | you know what nick. go to hell!

N | you don't even know what's coming for you.

C | so no ones going to go help y/n.

payton and nick look up at chase. chase walks out of the room.

*focus back on you*

you sit in the corner of the family bathroom with you face in your palms. you hear a knock at the door.

y/n | occupied!!!

C | it's me.

y/n | chase?

you stand up and unlock the door. chase walks in and wraps his arms around you. you continue to sob.

y/n | what do i do.

C | i know it's a terrible time but nick and payton are throat to throat in the other room you should probably go help.

y/n | what!

you grab chases arm and start rushing to payton's room. you walk in to see nick standing over payton.

y/n | nick what are you doing?!

nick turn around.

N | nothing we were working things out.

you look at payton.

P | yup

after everyone calms down nick leaves for work.

C | i'm getting tired yo. i'll see you home, right payton?

P | right. see you them homie.

chase leaves.

y/n | i'm a little tired too.

P | stay with me.

y/n | i have to sleep.

payton scoots over.

P | come here.

you lay next to payton. he puts his arm around you. you lay your head on his chest and fall asleep.

we are still is a big circle of nick or payton. but if you've read it girl keep reading this. i'm not sure when i should release the second book. comment when you want it to come out and ill make a good time and tell you about when the release will be if you haven't read it yet go check it out.

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