[chapter 20]

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Chapter 20

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I walked into the club with Luke's tight grip around my wrist. I yanked and yanked it but nothing happened I felt his body vibrate agains mine indicating that he was laughing, I could feel his smirk.

"Yo Adam" Luke shouted

"Who's this lovely ladie with you tonight" he yelled back winking at me. I scoffed at his actions.

"She's my bitch tonight" His hand smeared across my jaw elbowed him hard and swung my left hand sending him to the floor. I stomped off through all the sweaty body's getting wolf whistles and people grabbing my ass.

> >> > >>

I got fed up with people making out everywhere in the stalls, there was no escape in here so I strutted off.

"You little crammy bitch don't you do that again" Luke held his biceps against my throat. His faced inched closer to mine, I glared at him as his eyes travels from mine to my lips.

His lips played a little smirk hovering over mine. I heard him chuckle and shake his head.

"You really think of would of kissed a 'thing' like you" his laugh depend overestimated the music. His chest vibrated harder sending shivers of anger throughout my bloodstream.

"I would never kiss you and I know I'm driving you insane just like last time" he tried to rub it in. Mr. Bad boy Luke thinks he has an effect on me and that any girl would fall for this so called "punk" bastard. I smirked and dryly laughed at his words shaking my head in disagreement.

I apart feel sorry for the guy we'll not really only because he's alive and he thinks he's so much better then everyone talk about a bi ego much.

"Douch" his head snapped towards mine as his fists pushed me against a wall, revenge, good old sweat revenge, karma has my back.

My mind went throughout memories. He played with his lip ring angrily before his hand came towards my face swiping away my hair harshly pushing my forehead against his.

"Humm you really want to play that game now huh baby girl haven't you learnt yet" his bitter voice ran through my ears over the thumping music. His eyes pieced through mine making my "intention" of him even more valuable for seeking a better yet revenge.

"Honey just wait till we get back and your in for it babe" he snarled through gritted teeth hiding a smirk. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic come backs.

"We'll see about that" my teeth seethed through my my bottom lip as my smirk started to grow wider with every word I and breath I breathed.

"Good girl my ass" I chuckled pushing him away getting lost through the crowd of sweaty bodies and asses

> >> > >>

I grabbed a fistful of Luke's collar of his shirt slamming him against the wall. Jordan and raven swung there fists at Calum and Ashton's face holding their arms as they were squashed against the wall face turned to the side brusies forming on their cheeks.

Lights were flickering fast surrounded by arrgesive people punching pulling hair, slamming them to the ground.

One second I see someone in my face the next I'm nearly hit. Ducking swinging my leg harshly into Luke's crouch kicking my leg just below his stomach sending him flying into a group of bikes.

I couldn't picture my life any better now this is where I belong this is where I'v always belonged.

Getting into fights rebelling against school rules, getting drunk on weeknight. Abusing teachers smoking and vandalising on the campus grounds. Ahhh life can't get any better at this point.

> >> > >> > >>

My body got slammed to the cold hard floor. Before getting kicked repeatedly in the stomach. I lifted the leg up before slamming it on the ground.

I kicked the person in the face which just happened to be Ashton knocking him out.

"AND WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" I spun around to see Calum ranging with anger, ohh goodie another victim to brutally murder later on.

Before he could reach me raven sprang out of no where onto Calum aggressively trowing wild punches at him before her knuckles turned red.

A hand on my shoulder turned my around punching me square in the nose. I stumbled back a bit ripping yet again another tear in my skimpy outfit. I shrugged off the tear before launching myself at Michael bringing him to the ground with me.

I straddled his body as I threw punches at his face, before I knew it my hands were covered in his blood, my knuckles bruising from his stone hard face.

He managed to punch the corner of my mouth making blood ooze from my lips dribbling down my chin onto my neck. I ripped out his eye brow ring throwing it on the floor waiting for so one to crush it.

I got pulled away from Raven and Jordan. We sprinted out the bar with many battle wounds and scars.

As we ran into the night around a familiar corner when screeching tyres behind roared from the city night. All heads turned around and saw Luke and his 'gang' charge towards us at a mild speed.

We didn't thin twice at all before sprint as fast as we could, it's just like a game of hit and run but this time were running from the hitters. We lost track, we out ran them.

We all took a long steady breath as we walked I to the night. We heard a branches cracking a few meters behind. Trevor's voice boomed through the neighbour hood and bounced of the walls into our ears.

"GOT YOU NOW GIRLYS" he crackled as a smug smirk filled his face. A bang of a gun shot the light above us.

"Sweat dreams barbie dolls" Before we knew it we were knocked out cold.

- - - - - - - - -
- hey I hope you guys liked this chapter

- I realised this book needs more action and punishment so I'm adding that in as we'll

-thanks for the 11.62k+ reads I appreciate you guys taking time out reading this book :)

- I might do another update before Christmas depends if I have time

- it's nearly Christmas already it's come around so fast

-night guys


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