Let me tell you something: You are not defined by one thing. This is a fact. There is not one specific part of you that makes up you as a whole. Not your job, your friends, your upbringing, your sucesses, your failures. Not what music you listen to, or where you live, or your partner, or your appearance, or what books you read or tv shows you watch or your favourite film. Nothing. You are made up of a million different jigsaw pieces, slotted together, a scattered arrangement of stars joined into one constellation. Every atom of you is needed, but there is not one specific atom that defines who you are, and you should not let anyone think that there is. You are uncontrollable, uncharted, undefinable. You are so, so important, my darling, and I hope you will never forget it.
شِعرa collection of words straight from thoughts to paper. (cover credit to @ParisLove-)