Chapter 9: [The Shadowy Intruder]

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Luke keeps pushing for them to proceed straight tho the dead and by the tower, but before they do, Ariel and Layton have a suspicion of their own that they feel to confirm. Before they go anywhere else.
Layton think it's best they stopped by the Inn. Ariel think they might be able to identity the person that had been watching them all this time.
They decided to start walking to the Inn and tell Beatrice about the person who was staying in the Inn.
When they arrived, Beatrice walked towards them with a smile on her face but she noticed Ariel looking away thinking.

Beatrice: "Hello, Professor.
Miss Blare, What's the matter?
You look a little shaken."

Ariel: -Turns her head to look at Beatrice-
"Beatrice, we have an urgent request.
Could you show me the newspapers from the last couple of days ago?"

Beatrice: "The papers? Certainly. Hang on for just a moment while I go fetch them for you."
-Walks to the counter and doesn't see the newspapers-
"Huh? That's strange. I'm sure I set them down around here somewhere."

Professor Layton: "Is there a problem?"

Beatrice: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't seem to find them anywhere!
Even today's morning paper seems to have gone missing."

Ariel: -Runs her chin-
"Hmm...I see."

Professor Layton: "Well, thank you just the some, Beatrice. This has been most helpful."

Luke: "Just what was In those papers anyway, Ariel?"

Ariel: "Well—"

When Ariel tried to talk, the font door of the Inn opened, reveling Ramon entering the place.

Ramon: "Yoo-hoo! Professor Layton!
Miss Blare!"

Ariel: "Ramon!
what do we owe the visit?"

Ramon: "Oh, he told me I needed to find you and bring you to Reinhold Manor."

Ariel: "Huh? Me?"

Ramon: "Yes, the Inspector, I mean.
Ahoo hoo hoo! He and Lady Dahlia await your arrival at Reinhold Manor."

Ariel: "Well, Um, thank you for the message. We will set out for the manor in just a few moments.

After Beatrice asking about the newspapers, the newspapers would have been the decisive proof needed to confirm
Ariel's and Layton's suspicions.
But then Ramon came into the Inn sending  a message to the group from the Inspector, apparently he wants the group to be in Reinhold Manor to have info from them.
The group exit the Inn and started walking towards the Reinhold Manor.
But all of the suddenly it appear the same Mysterious girl they found on the dead end of the wall.

Mysterious Girl: "You've found the key to the tower, haven't you?"

Ariel: -Looks in shock-
"How do you know about the key?"

Mysterious Girl: "You mustn't interfere with the tower. Whatever you do, just stay away from there."

Ariel: "Interfere? What do you mean by that, dear?"

Mysterious Girl: "......"
-Walks away-

When the Mysterious girl left, they arrived to the Reinhold Manor.
They opened the gate and went to the entrance of the house, when they entered, Luna looked at the painting again and told the group to stop walking for a moment.

Luna: "Hold on a second, guys!"
-Grabs the peaces of a painting and started to put them one by one together-

Ariel: "Huh? What you doing Luna?"

Luna: -Finished putting the peaces together and looks at the group-
"Guys, look."
-Shows the finished painting-

"-Shows the finished painting-

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