Black Lives Matter

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All lives matter
Asian lives matter
White lives matter
Blue lives matter
All lives matter
But right now
It is not all lives that are in shatters
It is not all lives who are lost solely on the basis of color
It is not all lives who are served up like dinner in platters
To finish up however they please,  leaving behind unimaginable pain and horror
It is not all lives who are killed ruthlessly
It is not all lives who mutter, with their dying breath "I can't breathe"
While another being, supposed to be human, kneels on their neck mercilessly
It is not all lives who are invaded in the privacy of their house, murdered without getting a chance to even utter a scream
Where has all the humanity gone?
Why can one human being take the life of another just because their color isn't  lighter?
Why, while knowing all the injustices against these humans, can other humans not sympathize and mourn?
Why do humans still look for something other than humanity in a fellow human being, when they all share the same blood and fiber?
We are all brought into the world through our mothers' womb, be it white, brown, or black.
The color never changed the course of our entry into this world, so why does it change the way one color has to leave the world?
Why do Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and countless other black lives leave this world unjustly, just because they are black?
And why did those police officers go without facing any consequences until the mass protests unfurled?
While the answer to these questions is obvious, there are still people who don't acknowledge the gravity and instead ask "why can't all lives matter?"
Because right now, until all races unite together and are treated not by colors, but by humanity, until blacks are stopped from being taken away from the world unjustly simply because they are black, it will always be "Black lives matter." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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