Son for a Day (part 1)

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Pink Sheep was busy editing his next video when Crystal Sheep came into the room to check on him. Pink Sheep looked up at his beautiful wife and remembered that he had been meaning to talk to her about having a child. He wanted a better kid than Purple Shep.

"Yo yo yo, hello!"

Crystal Sheep giggled a bit, "Hi Pink Sheep. How's it going up here?"

"Great! I was just finishing up the final touches when a thought came into my mind."

"Oh? And what is that thought?"

"Well you see, with my handsome mustache and your on fleek eyebrows we could make the best looking child in all the universe!" Pink Sheep was getting his hopes up now.

Crystal Sheep gave Pink Sheep a skeptical look, "I don't know. I'm not sure you can handle another child. I mean you already struggle with Purple Shep. Are you sure you have the patience and caring nature required to have another child?"

Pink Sheep was still hopeful. She hadn't said no yet.
"Yo don't worry about that. You see if I have another child than I can start over again and have the chance to raise them right this time, I promise."

Crystal Sheep still didn't look too sure.
"Alright how about you prove it to me. Be a good father to Purple Shep for a day and I'll think about it."

All of Pink Sheep's hopes sunk. A day with Purple Shep? Usually Pink Sheep couldn't even stand an hour with Purple Shep. And what did she mean by "be a good father?" Was she saying he wasn't one already?

"Yo wait. Are you saying I'm not a good father to Purple Shep?"

"Oh definitely, you let him stick his head in toasters, you use to put him in the washing machine, you bully him quite often, and you can't spend 5 minutes with him without losing your patience! He lives with Failboat for crying out loud! You can't take care of your son and I don't want the same for another child."

Pink Sheep rolled his eyes. He knew he wasn't going to win this battle. "Fine, I'll spend a day with Purple Shep," Pink Sheep said in a bored tone.

Meanwhile at Failboat's house:

"Oh GoLly tHIs iS fuN!"

"I know right! Once you get pass all the tutorials it's actually really enjoyable."


Suddenly they heard knocking. Failboat stood up and answered the door while Purple Shep continued to play his game. Failboat was not pleased when he saw it was Pink Sheep.

"What do you want?," Failboat said begrudgingly.

"Yo why do you sound so disappointed fam? Aren't you glad to see me?," Pink Sheep asked.

"No. I'm never glad to see you."

"Well I'm not here for you anyways. I'm here for Purple Shep. I'm taking him out to show Crystal Shee- I mean I want to be a good father and spend some quality time with my son."

Failboat cocked an eyebrow and opened his mouth to say something. But before he could Purple Shep ran to the front door and started speaking excitedly. "Oh GOllY YoU wANt tO SPenD tIMe wIth PuRPle shEP? YaY!"

Purple Shep looked up at Pink Sheep and Failboat with wide excited eyes and a large smile. Failboat gave Pink Sheep a glare and sighed, "Fine you can spend the day with Purple Shep. Just like actually care for him and please don't hurt his feelings."

Failboat didn't want to let Purple Shep down but he also didn't trust Pink Sheep. Pink Sheep smiled and replied, "Oh don't worry, he'll be fine."

And with that Pink Sheep left and took Purple Shep with him. Failboat looked out the window watching as Pink Sheep put Purple Shep in the very back of the car without a seatbelt and had all the windows wide open. Failboat walked back to the controller that Purple Shep was using and continued to play his game. "I hope so."
                            .             .              .

Purple Shep was very excited to have fun with his dad today. His father never wanted to spend time with Purple Shep because he always thought that Purple Shep was too ugly and stupid to be seen around, especially with his whole prankster gangster status to keep up with. But for at least today Purple Shep was going to try his best to not make his dad want to leave him in a washing machine at a laundromat again. That was actually the reason he didn't want to go into a washing machine again. Purple Shep was so excited that he stuck his head out of the car even though Failboat had once told him not to.

Pink Sheep, on the other hand, had other plans. How could he show Crystal Sheep that he was a responsible dad more than leaving Purple Shep at a daycare center? That way he could enjoy his day without having to actually take care of Purple Shep. He smiled, praising himself for coming up with such a brilliant plan.

They finally arrived at the daycare after a long car ride where Purple Shep got hit many times in the face. Pink Sheep and Purple Shep got out of the car and went inside of the building. Purple Shep had a big excited smile on his face.
"Oh GoLly WHat iS tHIs PlaCE? It lOoKS So COolY-cOOl!"

"This is where I leave you so you can have fun with everyone else. See you later, lolololololololololololololololololol."

Purple Shep's smile faded and his ears drooped. He really thought today was going to be fun. "oH gOLlY bUT PUrpLE ShEP waNteD tO SPeND tIMe wiTH yOU daDDy." But it was too late, Pink Sheep was already gone.

Pink Sheep was in his car ready to go have a nice lunch at McDonalds. He started up his car and drove backwards a bit when he saw Purple Shep busting through a wall of the daycare center, trying to find out where Pink Sheep had gone. Pink Sheep groaned, this was not going to be so easy, was it?

Pink Sheep parked again and got out of his car. Crystal Sheep would never believe he was a responsible parent if she saw Purple Shep all alone looking for his dad. No, he actually had to try this time.

Pink Sheep went up to Purple Shep with an annoyed expression on his face and told him to get back in the car. Purple Shep jumped with joy at hearing that he was actually getting to spend time with his dad today and got in the car. Pink Sheep slowly walked to the car and dreaded what he was going to have to do today, hang out with his son.

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