Chapter 3 - The News

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While Officer Jenny and her Growlithe look for Ash and his pokémons.

Team Plasma (in Unova) Covered Ash's Mouth (Including his partners Pikachu and Greninja) and tied there hands.

Ghetsis: Perfect! Now that dumb kid will never say nonsense. Said Ghetsis.

Team Plasma Grunt 1: What are we gonna do with this kid sir? Questioned Team Plasma Grunt 1.

Ghetsis: He is gonna be our new admin. Ghetsis answered.

Ghetsis: Now, Tell Dr Colress if the machine is ready. Ghetsis told Team Plasma Grunt 1.

Team Plasma Grunt 1: Yes Sir! Team Plasma Grunt 1 replied.

Team Plasma Grunt 2: Sir! There is the news from Kanto. Said Team Plasma Grunt 2.

Ghetsis: WHAT?! Shouted Ghetsis.

Team Plasma Grunt 2 turned on the Television and showed Ghetsis the news about Ash.

News Reporter: A 10-years-old boy named Ash and his Pokémons went missing last night in Pallet town. At Ash's house. Said the News Reporter.

News Reporter: Now Miss Ketchum can you tell me about your son. The news reporter told Delia.

Delia: My son wanted to be a ' Pokémon Master'. He always dreamed of becoming a 'Pokémon Master' and i want my Baby back *Cried*. Sobbed Delia as she cried on Proffesser Oak's arm.

Officer Jenny snatched the microphone out of the News Reporter's hand and told everyone on the television.

Officer Jenny: If you ever see this boy and his Pokémons call me immediately. If he's not at Kanto then, tell me in the other regions.

Team Plasma Grunt 2 turned off the Television and told Ghetsis.

Team Plasma Grunt 2: That's what they said about this kid and his pokémons.

Ash: *Mumbled*.


Team Plasma grunt 2: Yes sir! Replied Team Plasma Grunt 2.

Ghetsis: *Evil Laugh*.

Did Dr Colress finish the machine?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To be countinued...

Team Plasma and there New evil Admin (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now