Oswald the spooky dooky skeleman ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Once an pon an time there wuss a hard scope skrubs named Oswald  he wanted to be like a parents and be a quickscopar to join faze to his dismay he was terrible at it and could not pass faze try outs his parents thought he was a disgraced and quick scoped him but Oswald had final stand pro on so he Survived he has ked big man Tyrone fore some swag advanced advice and big man help hum join faze he soon became a good quickscopar and it was down to the next step becoming a noscopar and a tricksottar he had to buy gunnar optics and a scuf controller so he could be gud enough then the moment of truth came he found faze apex in a lobby and for final kill he 360 noscoped  the shit out of him and that's how he joined faze


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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