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I immediately broke my alarm clock, by throwing it at the wall

"Sis! Sis! Sis! Wake up, it's time to go get the job, the two spots are still open", Chenhua yells outside of the room

"I'm up", I yelled back

I didn't hear her after that, guessing she went downstairs

On the other hand, I got up and went straight to the bathroom to get my hygiene up because I didn't shower yesterday, I was tired, okay?!

After that, I put my hair in a bun and decided to wear a beautiful dress my mother gave me back in China

"Great, I look beautiful now", I smiled to myself

With natural beauty, I didn't have to wear makeup... So I just... Didn't wear makeup...

I went downstairs and found my sister wearing a kimono

This is what her sister's kimono looks like (Not yours because I want you to imagine yours):

This is what her sister's kimono looks like (Not yours because I want you to imagine yours):

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"When did mother buy you that", I asked

"I forgot, but it's very pretty and it looks very expensive", She chuckled

"Well, it looks very beautiful", I approved

"Thanks", She grinned, "You don't look so bad yourself either."

"Why thank you, younger sibling", I joked

We giggled

"Now, let's go before we are late, we have to go now, or our job will be taken", She effused

"Okay, Okay", I calmed her down

We went to the entrance and I opened the door

"Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait", my sister reiterated

We started walking to the restaurant

A lot of catcalling happened, though

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