Chapter 6

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Jena's p.o.v

These past weeks,Fadil and i  have been spending so much time together and I have practically had the most fun of my life.

We go out almost everyday and when we dont go out,WE either stay at his place or mine and watch a movie.

Today was a Saturday and we were going to the park,mall and then at night he will be taking me to a club we he said was new and around the corner.

Since the return of Fadil and his mum,my mum has increased the stock of female clothes and shoes in my ownership.

I had just finished my breakfast and was cleaning up when my mum announced that he was here to pick me up.I was dressed in a knee length blue short,a black crop top with glittering writings and a pair of sandals.

I picked up my bag and phone from the table, gave my mum a quick kiss and hurried out to meet him.When i reached his side,we shared a quick hug and I went to my side of the car and got in.

While in the car,he briefed me on our movements for the day which had changed abit.After the park,we were to go to Starbucks or MacDonald and then we go back home and change for the club.

The park was very busy and populated.We found an empty bench after a while and decided to sit down and share stories about our lives since after our seperation.

I told him everything including my insulting breakups and my friendless life.He didn't pity me but rather told me that all the people who hurt me would regret loosing someone like me which made him to receive a genuine smile from me.

He told me about his  player ways and how he had been the quarterback in the football team at his former school and wanted to gain that position in new school which happens to be my school.He also to me about his friends from his previous school and his ex who happened to be his only ever real girlfriend.

School was starting in 8days and we needed to be prepared both psychology and physically since it was our last year.While still sitting on the bench,an ice cream truck came our way and Fadil bought strawberry flavor for me and chocolate flavor for himself.
Me being a girl that I am decided to take pictures with his phone since mine was off.

We put ice cream on our nose and tried licking it off  making us to receive weird looks from passerbys.

By the time we left the park,it was past 2pm but instead of going to Starbucks as planned,we went to a burger joint were I ate  cheese burger and smoothies while he ordered hamburger and a milk shake.

By the time we were done,i bought three extra burgers for later and he drove me home so I could rest prepare for the club.

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