Let us begin by traveling back in time, because this story does not take place in your world. This story takes place where your world began, or at least where part of it began. While we travel let me tell you something of the people you are going to meet, because what you thought you knew of these people is not exactly the reality of it. Man, like almost all creations, has a funny way of twisting facts from its youth with the more he ages. Perhaps it’s just with their growing age they can’t remember things as clearly as they once did, but that is neither here nor there. In the beginning it is known that someone created the deities, some where along the lines those deities created the planets, starts, solar system, and the universe and everything within it. Now it seems awfully silly to me to assume that out of all those places they created that what you see on this planet is the ONLY source of life. Yet again however that is neither here nor there. After everything was created the deities decided that they would create beings, from the light came the light angels, and from the darkness came the dark angels. From the fire came the Djinn and from the Earth came man. All these life forms had a purpose, just like the world around you today if you have enough diversity in the mix only war trouble and conflict can brew. Perhaps that’s where we should start, in the calm before the storm.
No one ever asked how angels of any form came to being, and no one ever questioned what their purpose was. Perhaps that was because they were to inwardly focused, on how their own race was created, what their own race was meant for. However to understand our journey you must stop thinking about what YOUR purpose is, why YOU were created and look to the other races. We begin, as I said, before the grate divide, we begin in a time when everything was beautiful. The originals of each race where created, it was their responsibility to make sure their race survived. Sex at that time was not forbidden or frowned upon. It was not something that was kept hidden from the world that is not to say it was huge orgy but it was simply a matter of ensuring your race's survival. Of course it was also an enjoyable thing for the most part, and since it was to ensure your race more often then not it meant no one crossed the racial lines. This meant that to populate the earth incest did take place, you read that now in your time and are sickened and repeled. Remember though it was from that incest that your race took root, it was not at that time what you refer to as sin. Your concept of it being wrong or disgusting is only because you are from a time where you have several million mates to choose from that are ninety-nine percent not related to you. This journal is not from your time though, it is from a long ago past.
It is into the world of the angels we will go, to seek our story. The angels did not see the difference between themselves. They knew only that they were. If you have to have them sorted, and since you’re of another race I know you must, there were twenty-five of each male and female, fifty of each dark and light. I know this because I was the last born; all the other angels were mixed between light and dark angels, except me. I was born of a light angel and a light angel. I was said to be the brightest, the most pure, in truth I was like any child. My name is Lucifer, and this is my story.
Morning Star: The true story of Lucifer
FantasyThe story of how Lucifer fell from grace in her very own words.