Chapter 6

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[sanemi's PoV]

"W-Wait what??" I said after hearing y/n's story

"Yes, I know it's hard to believe. But please keep this a secret please?" y/n said while scratching the back of her neck

"Fine, but I'm still digesting what I just heard just now" I said

We sat there for a while until I thought of something, "Hey y/n, shouldn't you be at Shinobu place right now? Since you're injury isn't fully healed yet" I said with concern

"Oh! Now that you've said it yeah, I should get my wound checked up" she said smiling

But little did they know, Shinobu has already sent a kakushi to inform y/n about paying a visit to her. But the kakushi came a bit too early and heard all of y/n's story

[kakushi's PoV]

'W-w-what? y/n-sama has been dating a demon?! She couldn't be a traitor could she, she wouldn't. I- I better keep this a secret' I thought

Then I decided to knock on the door, and y/n answered

"Oh, you must be informing me to go to the butterfly estate right?" she asked

"yes, y/n-sama" I said while nodding

"Oh, sorry for the trouble then" she said while smiling

'She wouldn't be a traitor.' I thought

*time skip* (to Shinobu's place)

[Shinobu's PoV]

'Where's the kakushi I sent to get y/n, why is it taking so long for y/n to reach here?' I thought worryingly

'I should go and find her' I thought as I stood up readying to go find y/n

As I went up the door and opened it, I see y/n standing there  smiling awkwardly.

"Oh, y/n. You're quite late aren't you" I said while a smile.

[y/n's PoV]

I see Shinobu smiling, but iI can sense that it's filled with anger

"Sorry, I was having a conversation with Sanemi" I said chuckling

Shinobu sighed and said "Fine, let's give you a checkup"

*time skip*

"Well, you're still not in perfect health. So you better rest up and here's your medication" I said

"Okay, Shinobu" she said while saluting

After y/n had left, I saw the kakushi that I asked to call y/n over, he were mumbling to himself. I went closer to him to be in earshot of his mumbling

"y/n-sama is dating a demon? I guess they're just dating and nothing much, right?"

I went over and asked him "Where did you get that information?"

He was shocked from my voice "H-huh e-err". He was stuttering all his words

"Just say it, I won't hurt you" I said

"WellwhenIwentovertoy/n-sama'splaceIheardy/n-samaandsanemi-samatalkingy/n-samawastalkingaboutherdatingademon" he said in one breath
(Well when I went to y/n-sama's place I heard y/n-sama and Sanemi-sama talking, y/n-sama was talking about her dating a demon)

I was shocked at what I heard. A demon and a human together? But not just any normal human, a demon slayer, who sworn to kill demons no matter what.

I was furious and confused all at once, I went over to find
y/n to ask her about her relationship with a demon.

[y/n's PoV]

I saw my crow flying towards me, 'hmm another mission? Yay! I can see Akaza again!' I thought

Once it reached me, it said "KAW KAW Y/N GATHER FOR A HASHIRA MEETING KAW KAW"

I pouted a little since it wasn't what I was anticipated on, but  I nodded and prepare to go to the meeting

[shinobu's PoV]

I received news about the meeting. I knew y/n would go early, so I quickly went to the meeting area.

Once I reached my destination, I didn't notice that the others were there as well, so I just shouted "y/n! What's this story about you dating a demon?!"

I stood there angrily

[y/n's PoV]

I was playing with Obanai's snake, Kaburamaru. When suddenly I hear Shinobu's voice shouting "y/n! What's this story about you dating a demon?!"

I was stunned from hearing what she said 'shit.' I thought, I turned around and decided to say "Huh, what are you talking about, Shinobu? Did you took a wrong medicine or drug?" I said while internally hopping the lie worked

"One of my kakushi said they heard you telling Sanemi about you dating a demon" Shinobu said sternly

'Darn it!' I cursed internally.

I looked over to see the others staring with wide eyes, then suddenly I felt a hand on top of my head.

"Namuamidabutsu, Shinobu, I believe y/n wouldn't do such things" Gyomei said while tears are coming out from his eyes

"B-but, my kakushi heard it" Shinobu replied

"Well, even if he heard it, it might not be true" Obanai said

"Oyakata-sama has arrived" my older sisters, Hinaki and Nichika said in unison. (I'm not sure how old they are, but in this story ur the 4th oldest)

We all went to our designated position and said "Greetings to Oyakata-sama", except for me where I said "Hello dad!"

"Greetings to all of you, now rise" dad said while smiling softly

"Thank you, Oykata-sama" we all said

We then proceeded with our meeting about training all the demon slayers.

When we were finished, dad called for me.
"Yes dad?"

"y/n, I heard about the commotion you guys had just now. Is it true?" he asked worryingly

I tensed up hearing his question. 'should I tell dad? But that's against the demon slaying corps rule. What should I do, what should I do??' I thought while panicking

"y/n, is that tue?" both my sisters asked me

'Now, both of my sisters are asking me. What should I do, what should I do??' I kept thinking

surprisingly, I was able to finish this chapter so fast! Chapter 7 might also come out very fast too, since for now I have not received any homework, yet.

Thank you for reading chapter 6 of 'Our Little Sin'!
I'll see you in chapter 7! :)

Our Little Sin (Akaza x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now