happy ending

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[y/n's PoV]

i quickly went over to Akaza and hugged him "oi you stupid all brawn head, don't die on me!"

soon i started to cry but Giyuu insisted Tanjirou to follow him to kill Muzan and ignore me. Tanjirou looked back at me with pity, but later on went to find Muzan

Akaza looked at me and smiled "don't worry, i've already lived a long life. it's ok—"

then i hit him and shouted "you stupid! quickly regan! don't leave me!"

tears were spilling out of my eyes like a waterfall

after hitting him, he made an 'oof' sound and placed his right hand on my cheek

then he said "ow, you're still so rough even though i'm dying"

"shut up shut up shut up shut up!! quickly regenerate you idiot! you always brag about being a demon, and yet you're still here being pathetic and not regenerating!" i shouted

"sorry, n/n but i can't regenerate. i've used too much of my power just now fighting them" he said with a weak smile

"o-o-oi! you stupid! stop playing with me!" i said while sobbing harder

"don't cry n/n, at least i could meet you before i die. i want to see a happy n/n before i leave" he said still as weak as ever

"stupid! how could i still smile while you're dying!" i said

i hugged him and cried on his chest and kept repeating "regenerate you idiot!"

after a while i remembered something, he's a demon, he can get power by eating human flesh. that means if i give him some part of my flesh, then he could regenerate!

"Oi! Akaza, open your mouth!" i said

"h-huh? why?" he responded with confusion

"here, eat my arm!" i said while putting my left arm in front of his mouth trying to make him eat my arm

"o-oi! you know i can't, i'm sacred i'll go overboard" he said

"i know you won't!" I shouted

"why do you think i won't? i also swore to never eat a female" he said

"cause, you've been with me for so long and even though i'm a marechi you didn't eat me!" i replied

then i see more of his body disappearing "quick you idiot!" i shouted

[akaza's PoV]

I had a small flashback of my life as a human, now looking at n/n, she really did look like Yuki

but the reason i like, wait no, love n/n isn't because of how much she looks like Yuki. but was because didn't see me as a threat, and also how dumb she is

then i hear n/n shouting "quick you idiot!"

i didn't want to eat her, and her dating me a demon isn't going to end well. but i also want to be with n/n

them what happened next shocked me, i see n/n getting her sword out and cutting some of her own flesh on her left arm

"o-oi—" i wanted to shouted, but something was stuffed into my mouth

it was a big chunk of meat from n/n's left arm!

i wanted to spit it out but n/n forced it down my throat and said "you better not waste my meat and blood!"

soon i was starting to regenerate

[y/n's PoV]

after forcing down the meat down to Akaza's throat, he soon started to regenerate

"see! i told you you idiot!" I said while hugging him and crying even more

then i felt him twitching a bit and i broke out from the hug to look what was wrong

then he said "hey n/n, could you bandage your arm? i'm kind of loosing control since you're an marechi"

"oh yeah, hahah sorry i forgot" i replied and tore some fabric from my coat and bandaged it up

after bandaging it up, we sat there waiting for him to fully regenerate

*time skip*

after killing Muzan, i started to live with Akaza and Yushiro. since Yushiro is the only good demon left, i decided to ask him about how to help Akaza with his hunger and stuff

after a few years, miraculously me and Akaza had a little boy, named s/n. s/n is half human and half demon. although his appearance looks like Akaza, he doesn't have much demon genes in him.

having him was a big burden for my body, since he has demon genes in him, and i've predict that i wouldn't be able to live long.

but that aside, this is the most happiest thing i could've wished for even though i'm not able to be Akaza forever, but that is fine. as long i could spend the rest of my life with him.

"the end"

[grandkid's PoV]

(g/k = grandkid's name)

"wow! so that was what grandma was like, i wanna be like her! protecting others!" i said

"hey grandpa Akaza and uncle Yushiro, could you teach me those moves again?" i beamed happily

"hahahh, okay g/k" Akaza said while patting his head

[akaza's PoV]

'hey n/n, i miss you so much. i wish you could've been here with me and our kid and grandkids' I thought

the end

Thank you for reading 'Our Little Sin'!
there would be a sad ending coming soon too

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