Glimmer telling a story

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Glimmers p.o.v
I've been dating Cato for more then 5 years since I was 11 I'm now 17 me and Cato got reaped when we were 7 and 6
Catos 16 I feel like the games are going to change us I've been wondering that since we first started dating I'm scared he will fall for someone else though
I would be so sad if he did 😭
We are going into the games this year tommorow is the reaping and we say by to our family I don't have parents they left me all alone when u was 7
I was always sad until I met Cato I moved in with my cousins cashmere and gloss they are victors I always wanted to be a victor ever since I was really little cashmere would tell me stories about the games some of them scared me like how people got killed but I've learned to live with it I am strong but I have no chance in wining ........................

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