Chapter 1 Training & first contact with the Neuroi

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Y/N P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that I have fox tails and fox ears on my head. On the same day as I discovered my ability to be a Strike Witcher, I went to bed early in the evening. They told me that I will be trained tomorrow. 

Small Timeskip: next day in the morning

I woke up as the sun shines at my face. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to take shower. After the shower, I wore my combat form and went to the kitchen. There I saw two girls. I think their names were Yoshika and Lynette. I told them good morning and they turned their heads to me.

Yoshika:"Oh, good morning Y/N. I see that you got up early."

Y/N:*chuckles* "I'm used to get up early. Anyways, what's the plan today?"

Lynette:"Major Sakamoto told to Yoshika and me that we three will be trained after the breakfast."

Y/N:"Ok. Do you need help?"

Yoshika:"Yes. Can you put the plates, mugs and cutlery on the table?"

Y/N:"Of course."

After some minutes on putting the things on the table, I saw how the other members of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing entered the room. 

Minna:"I see that Y/N decided to help."

Y/N:"The more that helps, the faster it will be."

Mio:"Right. After the breakfast, you will be trained with Yoshika and Lynette under my command."

Y/N:"Copy that."

Timeskip: after the breakfast

Mio brought Yoshika, Lynette and me to the training place. At first, we had to run three times on the airstrip there and back again. After I did this, I saw how Yoshika and Lynette fell on the ground. I also could see that they both were out of breath. 

Mio:"I see that you aren't out of breath. Why is that?"

Y/N:"Because I was trained very hard and special. I'm used to this training."

Mio:"Understood. In the meantime, you can do your own training methods. After that, we will train you how to use a Striker Unit."


I saw how Mio left and went to Yoshika and Lynette. I chuckled a little bit and started my training. After two hours of training, I finished my training. I saw how Mio with Yoshika and Lynette came to me.

Mio:"Follow me. We will go to the hangar."

I nodded and followed her. She brought us to the hangar. There I saw four Striker Units. Mio told me to take one of them. So I went to a Striker Unit and hopped in. 

Mio:"Start now the Striker Unit."

I did what she told to me. I started it and I saw how the propellers started to rotate. Then I flew from the hangar into the sky. I couldn't believe my eyes that I did it. Then I turned around and saw Mio, Yoshika and Lynette. 

Mio:"So let's begin with the traning in the air."

She threw something to Yoshika, Lynette and to me. I catched and saw what it was. It was a paint gun. 

Mio:"You three have to fight against me. You also need to hit me with those paint guns. Understood?!"

I nodded my head and started to shoot at her. Neither Yoshika, Lynette and I could hit her. Then I remembered a tactic. I flew Yoshika and Lynette and told them my plan. My plan is that Yoshika and Lynette continue their fire at Mio when I start to shoot at her in that she never will expect. They agreed and did what I told them. They did their best to corner her. Then I saw my chance and started to shoot. To my luck, I hit her.

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