Funtime freddy x Funtime foxy

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This is the words worst ship ever! I hate it so much! Funtime freddy and funtime foxy should just be friends. I think they would be great friends! Just because they both got Funtime in thare names does not mean they are going to have a Funtime together. Sorry for the joke thare -w- I had to say that. Anyway this ship is garbage. One more dead body floating down the river of hey Roxanne Wolf just killed that. I will do anything to get this ship gone forever! I already beat Funtime foxy with a shovel and next step is to show the world that this ship is shit. The second I heard my friend tell me she liked the ship I yeeted hear in a river! Now I don't speak to her. This ship is nothing but a complete failure! I will do anything to kill it. This ship will live no more! Come on and if you hate this ship tell the dam world you do and why! You don't have to but if you want to I'd love it. This is my hit list right now:

-Funtime foxy



And they are on thare because they are a part of a ship I hate! I'm sorry I'm getting violent over a ship but dam this ship is the worst thing I've ever seen. Thank you for reading this my good friend  <3


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