Chapter 3

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Authors note: Hey guys I know it been forever since I posted a chapter and I kinda hate the story but I'm going to continue it in hopes it gets better lmao also it got like 22 reads and thank you so much 👉🏻👈🏻
Patton's POV

As the rest of the day went by I stayed with Virgil and we talked all day about interests and hobbies and stuff, because it was the first day we didnt really have any work just those get to know you sheets. There were like two classes me and Virgil had to split up because we had different schedules but those weren't too bad I stayed mostly silent and smiled at people as they passed me and if anyone rarely talked to me I happily responded. When we did split Virgil had theater and he explained to me that he had to do it and he wasn't doing it because he wanted to he had to because he wanted extra points. I understood because I didnt really want to take art because I can't draw too good but I'm also taking it for points. Right now it was lunch time and I walked into the cafeteria looking for Virgil I quickly spotted him at a table alone and when he saw me he waved for me to come to him. I sat down next to him and took my lunch out. "Hey Virge!" He slightly smiled at me "Hey Patt" I noticed he didnt take anything out to eat "Are you gonna eat anything?" He looked like he just realized that he was probably supposed to have a lunch "O-oh I'm not hungry.." I looked at him weird "How? It's way past breakfast by now" He looked down and answered "Well I didnt bring one so I guess I will wait till I get home" I looked him up and down sternly "No, I will not tolerate this" I reach in my bag and dig around to find 10 dollars "I'm going to buy you a lunch whether you like it or not" Virgil looked like he was going to object but he knew he couldn't stop me. I walk up to the line and look up at the menu board. But as I was waiting in line as I saw the TA from math, he was ahead of me so he got his food first and I watched him walk to a table by himself. I felt really bad for him but I gotta help Virge first I order him a slice of pizza and some chips. I walk back to me and Virgils table and sit down and gave him his food. "Omg Patt you really didnt have to, I really could have waited till I got home" I shook my head "No I'm glad I got you food!" He still looked discontent "Atleast let me pay you back tomorrow!" I shook my head agian "I will not take your money" then I thought of something "butttt you can make it up by going me a favor!" He gestured to go on "The TA we saw earlier I saw him eating alone and I want him to sit with us" Virgil looked suprized at how simple the favor was "Yeah of course he can sit with us I dont mind" I smiled and scanned the room to see where he was sitting and then I spotted him, he was reading a book alone eating and apple and what looked like a well balanced lunch with some veggies and a sandwich. I walk over to him "Hi!" He looked up from his book confused "Hello."
"I was wondering if you would like to sit at me and my friends table because it looks like you could need some company!" He thought for a second and closed his book "I would like that a lot thank you" I smiled at him and lead us to the table. Virgil looked up and waved and the other boy nodded to him. "Hey didnt the teach say your name was Logan?" He nodded again
"Well Logan welcome to our table!" Me and him both sat down. We all sat next to each other me in the middle with Logan and Virgil on ethier side of me. We ate our food and we talked and laughed and thinking about how well this is going my eyes flicked to brown I looked down so nobody would noticed I didn't think anyone did but Logan gave me strange look and I slightly panicked but the rest of lunch went by and he didn't say anything so I guess it's fine. The rest of the day went by smoothly me and Virgil walked to our lockers and put our stuff away and took what we needed for home work, since it was the first day homework was amazingly easy. We walked away and Virgil walked in the other direction and I waved my goodbyes "Bye Vigil!! I'll see you tomorrow!" He waved back and I turned around and saw logan in front of me, I jumped "Hello Patton." I smiled "Hi! I didnt see you there heh" He slightly smiled back "I wanted to thank you agian for letting me sit with you at lunch." My eyes flashed brown (brown=happy) And I tried to hide it "Oop! My shoe is untied silly me! Heh.." I bend down and quickly undo the knot on my shoe and re tie it. "But seriously it's nothing" I smiled "Patton I know your shoe wasnt untied." My smiled drops.. "Wh-what do you mean why would I s-say that if it wasnt true..!?" "Patton that's what I came to you to talk about would you like to go somewhere and talk with me for a bit?" I was still a little shocked "Yeah..sure!" I see something light up in his eyes "Excellent!" He smiles big for the first was cute

How did yall like this chapter!? I kind of dont like this book but I will continue best I can it takes long periods of time to upload but I dont think anyone really keeps up anyway lol Have an amazing day or night bye! 💙

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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