request page

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Ummm, request's the guide lines I guess

·no lemons/smuts, I'm sorry but I can't write that, it makes me uncomfortable

·I refuse to write Gin, Kanna, and Hiniko. They are all super young and I just don't feel like writing for them

·I will not write minor x adult stories, of course I understand that Japan has other laws but since I'm American, its different and I just don't feel comfortable with that.

minors:Anzu, Sara, Joe, Ranmaru, Kugie

adults:Nao, Reko, Keiji, Alice, Shin, Naomichi, Shunsuke, Megumi, Mishima, Qtaro, Midori, Mai, Kai

ones I won't write: Gin, Kanna, Hinako

·If wanted I will write platonic ships instead of romantic if you ask

I think that's it for guide lines, just make sure to give me the scenario. Welp thanks for reading, have a good day/night

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