Sou x Fem Reader

530 10 15

I woke up with a splitting headache, on the floor, my ankle felt like it was broken but it was probably just twisted, and my arm was bleeding. Wait. F/n, their dead. The first trial. The bird cage. The throwing knives. Their gone. It's my fault. F/n is gone forever and it's all my fault. I'm so fucking stupid.

Before I knew it the tears were streaming down my face and the wouldn't stop.

"Hey, cutie, why'r you cryi- OH GOD YOUR ARM. Keiji, this girl has a bad injury on her arm, oh and her ankle is swollen too." A young man with fluffy teal hair and the ugliest scarf ever came up and tried to help me.

I scooted back until I hit the wall. He looks really nice but I don't want anyone to see me like this. Plus he could be the one who kidnapped me.

He came closer to me and grabbed my arm, but now he has someone with him. I'm assuming that his name is Keiji since that's the name he said.

"Hey girly, what's you name?" The teal haired man said after letting go of my arm. "Hey," he waved his hand in front of my face, "Can you hear me, or are you loosing senses from blood loss."

"Hey, umm, not to sound weird or anything but can you take the flannel off? I'm gonna need it off to help your arm." The blonde man said with an awkward smile. I need to leave.

I tried to stand but as soon as I started to get up the teal haired boy made me sit back down by pressing on my shoulders.

"Miss, I dont think it would be wise to stand on an ankle like that. And if your scared I just wanna let you know that we're also trapped here, and we dont plan to cause any harm." I was shaking, and I started to cry again.

"Sou, your making her cry." "W-what, Keiji I didn't say anything to hurt her, I wa-" I cut him off.

"I-its not h-his fault, I dont th-think I'm m-m-mentally stable right now so if you two could p-please l-leave, I'd like some space." I tried to speak clearly but it all came out in mumbles and stutters.

"So she speaks." The blonde man started "before we leave can I help you with your arm? It would be unfortunate if you lost anymore blood."

I took off my flannel as he asked, he tied it around my cut then walked off, leaving me with scarf man.

"Hey, sorry if you still dont wanna talk I just wanna ask one more time what your name is. You dont have to tell me if your not ready though." He sat up against the wall with me. I finally got a good look at the room we were in.

There was a girl with fluffy red/pink hair, sitting with what looked like a middle schooler sitting on the floor on the other side of the room. There were three openings in the wall as well, they probably lead to other rooms.

"So, not gonna talk eh, it's fine if your still shaken up about this whole situation. But I probably shouldn't leave you confused so I'll tell you this. My name is Sou Hiyori and the other man with the blonde hair is Keiji Shinogi, he's a police officer so I'd put some trust in him if I were you. And the two girls over there are Nao Egokoro and Kanna Kizuchi. Theres more people around and with you that makes twelve of us. Now if your ready to talk go ahead and if not I'll help you walk over to Nao and you can rest over there." Finally he stopped talking. I should probably not leave him without telling him what my name is at least.

"I-i, m-my name is Y/n. A-and I-i w-work as a c-circus clown w-with my f-friend but th-th-the-they d-died." And the waterworks are back but not for long, I passed out after about three seconds of crying, though I think Sou caught me.

I woke up sitting on someone's lap. They had their arms wrapped around my waist, my arms were wrapped around their neck and my head was rested on their shoulder.

"Hey, Y/n, your finally awake, sorry if its awkward to be on my lap, I didn't want you to be uncomfortable on the floor. Here." He sat me down on the floor, it was Sou.

"Umm, Y/n? I dont want to make your mental condition worse but can I ask you to follow me, I'm gonna need you to check something." He stood up and put his hand out in front of me. I grabbed his hand and tried but I couldn't, my ankle hurt to much. As Sou started to see me fall, he caught me once again.

"You know, I'll be right back, you shouldn't be on you feet." He left the room and the red haired girl walked over to me, I scooted back again.

"Wait, Y/n, it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna talk. So um, what's your occupation at the moment?" She asked sitting down next to me.

"Well I umm, I work as a circus clown, and umm, I, I, I. I'm sorry it's just, I lost my friend that I work with in the first trial and my mental state hasn't recovered one bit. I'm still really wary. But it's not your fault." I said to her, tears threatening to fall, I was shaking. I then heard his voice.

"Y/n, what's wrong, why are you shaking?Nao what did you say to her?" Sou grabbed my hand and looked Nao right in the eyes.

"S-sou sh-she d-di-didn't do a-anything to me, a-all she d-did w-was ask about m-my o-occupation a-and I b-broke d-down like e-earlier. But t-thanks for c-caring about m-me." Before I knew what I was doing I pulled Sou into a hug. What is wrong with me, I'm hugging strangers now. But I guess there's just something about him that makes me want to hug him. He's cute.


1081 words..... wow

I know Sou is out of character but I like how I wrote him, and I was wondering if you wanted this to be a full story, I think it could be set up for a fun death game with a clown so if you want the full thing I'd gladly write a whole story. Also this was requested by Diasuki_arts so thanks for the request 💜

Have a good day/night my dudes and remember dont trust the man with the ugly scarf🧣, and this is coming from your local kanna kinnie 💚💝💚💝💚💝💚💝

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