Chapter One

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Chapter One

Eric's P.O.V.


I am currently listening to my iPod, bored out of my mind. Sitting in a car for three hours will drive anyone to boredom and we will be driving for, at least, another three hours until I get to the next foster home,  in the middle of nowhere, in the tiny town of Blue Creek.

My case worker, Sally, told me that this was the only place that will take me in. Me, I really don't care. I hated being tossed around from family to family, house to house and school to school.

"Eric, I have to get gas, we might as well stop for lunch." Sally spoke to me for the first time since we began the trip.

Sally gave me a file with basic information on the people with whom I wil stay to read. I wasn't really interested, as I know I will be leaving in a couple of months. Sally managed to persuade me to open the file over lunch.

Robert, a.k.a. Bob, and Julie Carson.

They have six year old twin boys, Sam and Chris.

That was all I read before closing the file and handing it back to Sally. I wasn't interested in anything else, Like I said before I won't be here for long, I never am. I have lost count of the number of homes and schools that I have been tossed into.

We finally arrived at Blue Creek. Did I mention that I hate long trips? Anyway I got my few belongings from the car while Sally and the Carson's were completing the necessary paperwork.  the whole town was surrounded by dense trees and shrubs.

The Carson's lived on a quiet street. I did notice that the faded blue, two story, large Victorian style house was surrounded by the forest.

The tour of the home that Julie and the twins gave me showed that the house consisted of a media room, formal and informal dining rooms, living room, large kitchen, large study, family room, four bathrooms, six large bedrooms and the massive master bedroom with its own ensuite. I was very impressed with this old home, It's gorgeous. I have never stayed in a place this nice before.

After I unpacked what little belongings I have, I go into the kitchen to find Julie cooking dinner.

"Umm, Julie."

"Yes Eric," replied Julie.

"I was wondering if it was ok to go explore the woods to see what it's like?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure you can. But I would prefer that you stay out of the woods or at least don't go in too far. There are some dangerous animals in these woods. Ok Eric?" Julie said while she was putting the vegetables in the oven.

"Thanks Julie," I replied.

"Eric, dinner will be ready in half an hour." She said to my retreating figure.

I waved my hand in reply as I left through the back door. I heard Julie asking the twins to set the table as I enter the woods.

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that I'm a werewolf and the woods are my sanctuary.

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