Chapter 10; beautiful

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Smut my dudes

Smut my dudes

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Your POV

God, he is so damn hot. He looked deep in my eyes.
„You need to be quiet", he said and took his hand from my mouth. He kissed me and circled my clit with his hand.
„Oh god", I moaned quiet.
„Are you Good", he asked to make sure I'm comfortable.
„Mhm", I muttered, needed to keep my damn mouth quiet.
The knot in my stomach got tighter, felt myself cum.
„Will I think i'm-"
„I know baby I got you, just let go", he whispered protecting and kissed my again.
When he noticed I'm cumming, he put his free hand on my mouth again.
I moaned against his hand and arched my back.
I never had a orgasm like this before.
I mean i never had sex before, but when I had me-time, it never was this strong.
When he rode out my high, he took his hand away and kissed me passionately.

„That was... wow", I admitted.
„I hope so.", he smiled charming, I love him so much.
„It's your first time right?", he replied carefully.
„Yes", I answered, a little shy.
„I'll be careful, I promise. If u want to stop just-"
„I'm good. I want this. Don't worry", I affirmed to him.

„Can I?", he asked, me knew he meant my bra.
I nodded, still got kinda nervous.
He took it off and kissed my boobs.
„You're so fucking beautiful", he whispered.
„I love you". I whispered back and he kissed down my belly, took off my panties.
My heart pounded in my chest.
He took off his boxers and pulled on a condom.
We made out for a few moments.
„Are you ready?", he looked deep in my eyes again.
„Yes", I answered.
I was shaking and he noticed.
„I got you , no need to be nervous. You're beautiful",
he said, slowly he pushed himself in.
„Oh fucking jesus", I gasped out, it hurt.
„I got you baby. Just relax.", he kissed my neck, distracted me from the pain.
I closed my eyes, tried to distract and enjoyed the moment. Slowly he got a rhythm and pushed himself in and out.
„Ouh fuck you feel so good", he moaned out.
He rubbed my clit so I could maybe get an orgasm, because it felt weird.
The pain slowly faded away.
Then out of nowhere it hit me.
„Oh yes just like That", I moaned quietly.
„Y/n I'm gonna cum", he closed his eyes for a moment.
„Me too", I cried out.
„Good I love you", he said softly circles with his free hand my cheek, kissed me softly.
After a minute and many moans, we both came, probably a little too loud.

He rode out orgasm and fell next to me.
He tried to catch his breath and so did I.
„God that was so good.", he laughed softly.
„Yeah", I said smiling.
„Are you okay? Do you need something?", he asked.
„No, I'm good. I'm just tired", we laughed a bit.

„Thank you for tonight", I said suddenly, before we both fell asleep.
„I need to thank you. I love you", he whispered.
We both fell asleep after that.

Wow I suck at this. I hope this isn't tooooo bad.
I would be very happy if you could vote and leave a comment. Love y'all 💖💖💖

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