chapter 1

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The pic above is of Axel baby boy..extremely cute

Axels pov.

I was sitting at the back of the class,,staring out the usual. "School sucks,"l thought to myself. I watched natures beauty as l thought about how l was going to come out to my parent. Yes..lm gay incase your confused. Sigh..bieng gay is so fucking hard...well for me it is since lm sooooo shy.

I can barely make a sentence in class let alone talk to a guy.Worst of all..lm one of the outcast of the schools..and with that comes the bullying.god l hate my fucking life. Trust me..lve tried ending my life but then l reconsidered..why would l give my family the satisfaction of least let me make them suffer with my presence.

I sighed again..thinking about my family. I looked forward and l saw Greg staring at me. Well shit! He was one of my bullies and something told me that today was going to end up with my head in the toilet.

The bell suddenly rang and l packed my things quickly and practically ran out. On my way out l bumped into a wall...well not technically a wall but sth close...and l fell down. I looked up and dzaaaam..the wall was sexy as fuck.l was mesmerized. He offered a hand and l hesitantly took it.

He lifted me like l was nothing and mahhn he was tall..not that much but taller than me. I was 5,3 and he was 5,9. I then noticed that he was staring like everyone always does."your eyes..."he started but l quickly ran before he said what everyone always says when they look at me...what my family says when they look at me.

Your eyes are wierd

you're a creep!

you fucking fuggot!!

i could hear their words as l ran..tears stinging my eyes. I ran into the washroom and cried my heart out..why am l such a baby? I should be over this by now! I cried some more..collected my self then got out. I had one more period..might as well get it done

Just as l got out l saw Greg looking at me with a smirk on his face his hands crossed

"Well well well if it isn't the fuggot"

"P...ple..please leave me alone.."

"Were you crying?you lil' bitch!"

He started moving towards me as l moved back hitting the sink behind me. I was so fucking scared. Why??l should be used to this! He held me by the throat and directed me to the wall
"Your so fucking cute and adorable.."he whispered in my ear and kissed my neck. "You like me right?"he said still kissing me. I was repulsed.l tried to push him away but he was too strong. Tears were streaming down my face.

""l said sobbing like a child.The bell then rang and he moved away from me and l fell to the ground and cried,hot tears running down my cheeks. He started walking away but just before he got out he turned and looked at me with those psychotic eyes of his and said something that always killed me inside..YOU'RE MINE!! and he left

Well thats the end of chapter one..hope you guyz enjoyed it though it totally sucked. It has so many errors that l have no time to fix..yall will have to forgive me. As all authors say 'English aint my first language' so cut some slack on this gurl who is still a novice

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