Chapter: 5

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I was driving in the direction of Kuoh Academy, smiling to myself, thinking in all the ways I could make those brats "suffer" for my joy. I look at Elyra, who had a legit happy face, reading an magazine about schools and stuff, I didn't really care.

Elyra: Oh Y/N, just think about all the future workers we are helping to make, isn't that great?

Y/N: Eh, I forgot you love mortals, good thing you will not get in my way.... oh well, here we go.

We finally arrive at our location, leaving our car as we make our way to inside the academy, getting all kinds of reactions and stuff, man, that's funny. But oh well, we finally arrive at the class room, moving to near the desk, with sitting on the edge and Elyra and standing on my right side with an kind face. The br- I mean students, interesting how they had unique looks if you ask me.

Y/N: Greetings fuc- I mean students, we are your new teachers, Elyra, my sister and me, Y/N, any questions?

Male student: Is Miss Elyra single?

Fem student: Are you single mister Y/N?

I smirk in a smug way, shooting a beam to a wall, scaring everyone except Elyra who naturally simply looked at me with a rather disappointed face.

Y/N: I didn't mean this kind of question.

I look around with a rather disappointed face myself, seeing all kind of people, be it human, with animal traits or whatever. Oh yes, we were in a universe which was the mix of other realities, important detail the author forgot of mention, but it's now covered in this self aware joke.

Well, returning to the story, no one said anything, looking at me and Elyra with mixed looks in their faces, taking notes here and there about boring power and fighting stuff, as a omniscient being myself, such act was below me so I decided to simply sit while my "sister" talked with the young idiots about whatever this crap is about.

Timeskip, cause why not

Oh yes, the timeskip, a great way of avoid rather boring and useless parts of a story, and very used in lazy narratives, though the author is trying to make it unique, aight, imma stop of breaking the fourth wall now.

After class is done, me and Elyra decided to look around the academy, getting glares from the students and other workers, talking how we looked more like a couple than brothers or some other shit. In a way, they were kinda right in a sense, she was literally the light of creation the second one of our race, I was the first as I was the nothing before creation and well, Elyra was "born" along with the first pieces of cosmos that would be soon the omniverse. I still remember she annoying me when we were "younger".

Flashback because the reader mentioned it

Young Y/N was there, chilling while resting under a tree, appreciating the rather calm view around him as he then a noise that became somewhat normal to him. He looked around the 17s tho.

Y Elyra: I found you brother! I can't wait to we marry, have children and finally make you stop of being a jerk!


Y Y/N was interrupted by Y Elyra pressing her lips against his own, catching him by surprise, the kiss lasted a literal minute due to the fact they didn't need to breath as she then stops to look at her "brother" with a happy smile, the god of nothing however had a "WTF" look in his face.

Y Elyra: See you later big bro!

Short Flashback end

Some interesting times I suppose, later she understood that is was my rather chaotic personality the why she loved me, which was pretty much the opposite to her own personality.

???: Well, well, well, look if it isn't the new teachers, nice to meet you, name is Ryoma Alexandri.

We then look around to see a witch, who naturally should be a teacher or something here.

Elyra: Oh my, nice to meet you as well fellow worker, i'm Elyra and that's my brother Y/N, great day it isn't?

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Elyra: Oh my, nice to meet you as well fellow worker, i'm Elyra and that's my brother Y/N, great day it isn't?

Ryoma: I guess, ya know, both of you look familiar for some reason.

Y/N: Maybe it is just a simple feeling, don't you agree? Also, isn't your suit a bit out of the standards?

Ryoma: So? It's not like anyone here will try force me to wear something else, they still a bunch of weak pussies for that.

Y/N: Fair.

Ryoma: Eh, see you guys later I guess or nah, no idea.

She then began to walk away as I looked at her and smirked.

Y/N: I must admit, you still look pretty young and beautiful for someone who is older than this civilization.

Ryoma stopped in her tracks immediatly after hear me, looking in my direction with a rather surprised look in her face, which was quickly replaced by a calm smile.

Ryoma: You guys are interesting, I will keep my eye in you two.

Before she could return to her way, her smile was now replaced by a rather disappointed face as she looks behind me and Elyra saying something like "Oh great, one of her pets". I turned back, seeing a blonde boy, i'm sure you guys know who is it.

???: Greetings new teachers, i'm Kiba Yuuto, and buchou would like to meet you two

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???: Greetings new teachers, i'm Kiba Yuuto, and buchou would like to meet you two.

Y/N: Sure virg- I mean mrs Yuuto, lead the way.

I smirk in a rather sadistic way for a second as I knew what comes next.

Unknown transcendental realm, no one's POV

Now, let's move to a dimension where the skies are purple, lands were floating and eldritch creatures lived, in the center of said dimension, there was a cool darkness themed castle, just imagine that because the author is lazy and don't want to get a pic for it. Back to the story, in the highest point lf said castle there was bedroom which seems to be made for kings and other high ranking persons. On it, there was a woman, who suddenly wake up from her slumber with a face full of joy.

???: Yes! After so many time, lord Y/N returned! Don't worry my beloved master, your favorite goddess and loyal follower is coming for you!

Author note
Aight persons reading my story, i'm sorry for post chapters from time to time, i'm lazy so sorry, please comment your opinion and something you would like or want to see in the story, cya and yes, i'm lazy to make author notes tho. Bye.

God's boredom (Multiverse x OP Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now