New Baby

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Coraline noticed that her family didn't remember the Bedlam nonsense. Or, they did, but chose not to acknowledge it. Well, either way, they weren't very appreciative with their daughter for saving them.

Still, they were her parents. And, she knew living neglected was better than living with the Other Mother. Sometimes, Cat had to remind her of that.

it was getting harder, though, to think about it. She was wondering if it was a dream.

Her parents weren't as busy anymore, since they had been promoted in their magazine business, and had more free time. But, they liked to spend that free time with each other, and not their daughter.

One night, Coraline heard the worst thing.

"I just don't get her, Charlie." Coraline's mother complained to her husband. "She's been going on and on about this Beldam. It's not even a word!"

"I know, Mel. It's like she's trying to make a scene." he sighed, and sipper his drink of wine. "I think she needs something."

"Something like...?"

"Like boarding school, to drive some sense into her. Or, some extra discipline." Mel nodded thoughtfully. "She's always in that garden, always playing around that dangerous well. She's constantly trying to ruin one thing or another, or find some new excitement. Apparently, this life isn't good enough for her...No, I can't have wine right now, remember?"

"Oh, right." Charlie chuckled, and patted his wife's growing belly. "you don't think Coraline will be a bad influence on her new baby sister, will she?"

"I hope not. I also hope this one turns out different." Coraline sighed, and trudged upstairs.

Things had been bad, lately. Her friends from Michigan seemed to have forgotten about her. Her parents were losing faith in her. The only good things in her life were the neighbors. They at least seemed sympathetic.

But now, it seemed like things were going to go downhill, fast.

In a few months, the baby was born. And Coraline wasn't allowed to even breath in her new sister's direction. Cordelia had her father's hair, and her mother's eyes. And, it was plain to see, they couldn't have been more proud.

"Look! She loves the garden!" Charlie cried, holding his younger daughter close. Cordelia giggled, and poked the flowers again.

Coraline found her life slipping down the drain. Her parent's attention revolved around the baby now, and they often forgot her. It became 'The girl,' and not 'Coraline.' She was given work in the house to do, and that was the only time her parents spoke to her.

it got worse.

They started talking at night about how much of a disappointment Coraline was next to her new sister. They started saying, even when they knew she was listening, that Coraline was the worse of the two daughters.

Coraline cried. She didn't stop.

Wybie noticed Coraline was acting different. he put his forceps down, releasing the worm he had captured. "What's wrong?" he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"My Mom and Dad...they starting saying...they want to send me away. To Boarding school. They think I'll be a bad influence on the baby."

"Well, are you a bad influence?"

"I'm not even allowed to look at the baby!" Coraline blew up. She couldn't take it anymore, and ran. She ran out of the garden, and into the creek, where she found a secluded spot, where no one would bother her.

"Coraline Jones!" Mel gasped. "Atrocious!" Coraline followed her mother's gaze. Her boots were caked in mud. "Sorry, Mom. It was muddy out. And you wanted these bananas so bad-!" Mel cut her off. "That is irresponsible of you, not taking responsibility for your actions. You tracked mud on the floor, not me!" She thrust a mop at her older daughter. "Clean that up. I'm telling you, Charlie, she's selfish." Coraline sighed, and went to work. Cordelia was set down to play nearby, practically taunting Coraline.

"Okay, Coraline, you can't be adventuring. We need you to know that whatever's out there, it's not worth it. Then, you can teach your sister that." Charlie patted her shoulder, and left. Coraline grumbled. They wanted her to change these days. They were trying to convince her to be something she wasn't. And all for Cordelia, who couldn't care less.

That night, Coraline had trouble sleeping. Her parents were in the other room singing to Cordelia, and it kept Coraline awake.

No more adventuring. No more silliness. No more colors. No more of the things she liked. Cat, as though feeling her anger, nuzzled her cheek. He lived in her room these days, and was the best solace she had.

This baby was driving her nuts.

But, she felt like something else was keeping her awake....a scuttling metal needles on wood floor...

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