Other Motherly

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Coraline decided to spend more of her time around her neighbors. Misses Spink and Forcible always had good advice. And Mr. B was the best distraction there was.

"Coraline, don't you dare go out that door!" The blue-nette sighed, and let her hand drop from the doorknob. Her mother kept going. "I don't trust you not to track mud into the house...again!"

Lately, Coraline found herself either locking herself up in her room, or slipping out her window. She just wanted to be alone. She didn't see what good would come from being around others anymore.

Cat jumped onto her window sill. "Thoughts?"

Coraline slumped onto her bed. "I don't know." She answered truthfully. She never understood why her parents thought nothing of her. Now, with the new baby around, she learned she was wrong.

They thought of her as selfish, irresponsible and stupid.

She KNEW she wasn't. But, what if other people thought that was true?

Cat curled up next to her, and she scratched his ear, taking comfort in the silent presence of her friend. They stayed that way until nightfall, falling asleep where they were, her parents mercifully forgetting about her...again.

The scrabbling continued, ripping apart the quiet night, making quite the din without even trying. Silently, it traveled across the floor, in search of one...specific...thing.

It was caked in mud, leaving slight patterns on the floor wherever it went. Around it's nonexistent wrist was a necklace...containing the key.

Passing one wall in particular, a hissing was heard. It paused...then kept going.

The hissing grew louder...like something coming back to life.

Coraline woke up around five in the morning, strangely wide awake, despite going to sleep at a late hour. Cat was settled in next to her, roused from his sleep by her sudden movement. He glanced up at her. "Awfully early riser now?"

Coraline ignored him. Her gut was flaring.."I think something's wrong."

"You have sharp instincts." Cat agreed. Coraline sighed, and subconsciously put a hand to her chest, as if to still her beating heart from an unremembered nightmare...and felt it. A lump in her clothes...familiar, round at the top, with small holes...

She ripped it out. The key was strung around her neck, it's rope slightly damp from well water. She screamed.

"Coraline!" Her father yelled. "What is your problem? You woke your sister!" Over the sound of crying, she turned to Cat. "It's back! The key-!"

"Is safer with you." Cat assured her. "You fought her once, you can do it again."

"I hope so."

All day, Coraline wandered around behind Pink Palace Flats, finding new places to be alone, peaceful in the silence of the woods. She kept on hand wrapped around her key, tightly, as if she were afraid. She had good reason to be.

'Don't leave me, don't leave me! I'll die without you!' Her words came flying back to Coraline at such force, she whirled around, as if expecting to find Her standing right nearby. If She HAD died, it was for the best...lives of children everywhere would be safe...

Coraline finally found the well. There was a fairy ring around it now, strewn with flower chains. She sat down a little ways away from it, and lost herself in her thoughts. Why now? How? How and why did the key come back?

She laid down on her back, the dirt thankfully soft beneath her. Staring at the sky made her feel...gloomy. It was always so cloudy. Even during summer.

What kind of creature was She anyway? The kind who ate children's LIVES, but not the children...it didn't make any sense. It sent shivers up her spine.

Something wrapped around her ankle. She couldn't find it in her to scream...

Coraline shot up in bed, as if waking up from a nightmare. But, she couldn't remember being asleep...

She was not in her room. She knew good and well where she was.

"Cat!" She called out, frantically scrambling in her bed. The OTHER bed. The room around her was brightly colored and friendly...and babyish. It had pictures of toys painted on the walls, and little creatures, every single one with buttons for eyes. She felt her chest tighten when she took notice of the bars on her bed. A crib...

"Where are you and what is going on?! What do you want?!" Coraline screamed at the top of her voice. No answer. She felt anger welling up inside her, and gripped she sheets. She tried to stand up, but the bed's soft, bouncy material made her fall right back onto her butt, emitting a cacophony of crinkles.

"What is going on?!" She shrieked, looking around the room. The diaper around her waist cried out at every movement. Her she was, in a giant nursery, wearing a diaper. She knew where she was...

"My, my." A soft angelic voice floated from the doorway. In came the other mother, slim and lanky as a spider, as chilling as Coraline remembered.

Coraline remembered that if she wanted out, she'd have to be kind, or risk making things worse on herself. "What do you want with me?" She made her voice as calm as she could. The Beldam smiled innocently. "Something I never wanted before, dear. And i t seems we have a fussy baby on our hands." She reached down, and, in a flash, yanked Coraline's shirt off. "Let's dress you in something nice and comfy, baby girl."

Coraline's face burned in shame and indignation. "You can't fool me. You don't care." The Other Mother turned round slightly, listening with a smile.

Coraline continued. "You don't care about any kid! You just....You're going to eat my life, but I won't let you!"

"Oh, Coraline." The creature smiled, walking over with a shirt and skirt meant for a very little girl. "Not this time. Since you were a bad girl last time, I think I'll try a different approach. After all...what kid wants to grow up?"

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