1- Hungry

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I was sitting in the food court of the mall and stuffing my face with delicious junk food. I know it is unhealthy but I really can't help it. Thanks to my fast metabolism, I manage to burn out faster hence it hardly makes any difference to my physique. My heart might be in a different state though. I shudder as I take another bite of my huge burger. It is yummy. It will definitely cause heart problems in the long run.

I usually am quite obsessed with keeping my heart healthy. Don't want to die young, you know. There's so much I haven't done yet. But like any other lazy millennial, I only obsess, and never have my thoughts bore to fruition.

Lost in the battle of my stomach and heart, I hear a sweet chime near me. I look up to give a cursory glance to where the sound came from.

"Hey! Can I sit here? Everywhere else is occupied and I am really hungry."

A boy of nearly my age asks me pointing at the vacant chair opposite to me. I hardly look at him and gesture at the chair. Go ahead sit all you want. I am not expecting any company.

I pick up a bunch of fries and stuff them in my mouth. God they're amazing. So much oil! I cringe and stuff more. Suddenly I hear a snicker from my unknown guest. I look up and see he is eyeing me intently. His food untouched. What is the social etiquette in this situation? Am I supposed to share my food with strangers who have their own tray? Is this why he is laughing?

I take a sip of the cool soda to wash down the food. "You want some too?" I ask pointing at my fries. God I hope he declines. I am still hungry. "Oh I wouldn't dare. Please don't mind me." He smirks.

And irritation flares inside me. Here I am being nice, shared my table and offered my food to this stranger and there he is acting all mighty and superior with stupid chopsticks in hand. I arch my brow at him and bite into my burger whilst making eye-contact. He lets out an audible laugh now. My irritation turns to amusement. Looks like I have some problems to sort with this stranger.

"What's so funny mister?" I ask, holding a crispy fry in my hand. I hate talking while eating. One of the many reasons I prefer eating alone. And also the fact that I don't like sharing my food. Can't stand anyone else's fingers in my food. I will gladly buy you a meal but please don't touch mine!

"Jimin" He extends his hand. Why should I shake it? This is a food court. He is a stranger. I will definitely never meet him again. Not interested in knowing his name or anything.

"I asked is something funny?"

He withdraws his hand. A small smile is playing around his lips.

"Sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I was just admiring your appetite."

The gall of this man! "Excuse me?"

"No please don't be offended. Just that it is quite a rare sight to see people wolfing down food alone but happily. That's all I meant."

"Whatever!" I give a lame response and he chuckles again.

"By the way I am Jimin. Nice to meet you."

I debate whether I should be civil or not. I need just 10 more minutes of peace and my lunch will be done.

"I'm Poem. Can't say it was nice to meet you though." I shrug and concentrate on my food.

He chuckled lightly and proceeded to scoop rice in his chopsticks. I wonder how he would hold a burger in that. Unknowingly, I arch my eyebrows looking at those chopsticks.

"Something up Poem?" Jimin asks lightly on seeing me staring at his plate. Well not his plate but those wooden chopsticks. "You want some of my food also?" He finishes with a smirk.

What?? Why will I want his food? Is he stupid? I already have mine. If I wanted more, I will buy something else. Not take food from him. What if he is an axe-murderer? I don't even know him.

"You really should eat in silence because you aren't making a lot of sense." I rise up from the table with my empty tray and dump it in the bin.

I can swear I heard his muffled laughter behind. But I really don't have time to deal with stupidity right now. I need to go back to my store. We have a new manager today and I don't want to be late.

I hurry down the stairs and make my way towards the 5th floor where the store is located. I am studying in college and this part-time job keeps me afloat. My other co-worker Milo bades me goodbye and goes for his lunch. We only have 2 employees and a manager here. So we take our lunch breaks in turns. For the past week it has been quite hectic. Our manager resigned and a new one wasn't appointed. Overtime was killing both Milo and me. Hopefully the new manager will bring in some peace.

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