Chapter Two

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"Dammit." Gaara gasped, pulling at the hair on his scalp when he heard the door close, he had never been good at understanding his emotions. When they surged like this, it was like being bombarded with so much information that he could barely get a coherent thought through. His fingertip curled into hooks, biting into pale flesh, the burning pain centering him.

All he knew was that he wanted Lee more than anything in his life. He knew he craved Lee's touch, his laughter, the soft scent of his skin, so perfect and calming. He felt at his most complete, his most sane when it was just the two of them. When duty separated them, he felt empty and so alone that he thought he might drown in his solitude. He wasn't sure if that was love, but he couldn't let Lee think he had no feelings for him because Lee was the only person that made him feel as though he were human and not a beast.

As soon as he came to that realization, the soft fabric of Lee's comforter pooled around his feet, taking with it the soothing earthy scent of Lee, he stood and ran after the fleeing ninja. He tore the door open, stumbling into the fresh night air. Lee had already reached the ground floor of his building. His hands were hooked behind his head, shoulders hunched, the picture of rejection.

"Lee!" Gaara whispered, not wanting to bother Lee's slumbering neighbors to get the other man's attention. He growled with frustration when the Lee didn't hear him, and jerked a hand through the air, summoning his sands. The thin granules filtered beneath the door of Lee's apartment to follow his bidding, surging around him before he sent them after Lee. The sand rushed forward, diving at Lee and shoving him from behind.

Rock Lee reacted as any well-trained ninja would, he leaped away for the source of contact and spun mid-air towards the 'attack.' His thick eyebrows drawn down as he analyzed what was happening critically. His features relaxed when he saw Gaara standing in the shadows of the stairwell. He looked miserable, and maybe a little bit angry, heavily shadowed eyes glaring at Lee.

"Gaara!" Lee gasped, letting his weight pull him back to the ground. His fall back to the earth was interrupted by a wave of sand bursting around him, cradling his body up through the air and towards the irritated omega.

"You should not be out here in your condition!" Lee said worriedly, as the sands dropped him unceremoniously on the stairwell. He rubbed his hands together nervously, taking in Gaara's sweat-dampened hair and the creases of strain between his absent eyebrows.

"You can't just- just say something like that and leave." Gaara hissed, the gravel of his voice deepening with the heaving gasps slipping past his lips. He would have loved nothing more than to go back inside Lee's apartment, surrounded by the scent of the alpha. He glared darkly at Lee, stepping closer to the brunette, his heart hammering behind his ribs as he took in Lee's handsome features. He had the urge to punch the dense little musclehead but also wanted nothing more than to wipe the worried expression from his face.

"I am sorry, Gaara. I thought it appropriate to give you space!" Lee said nervously, the look in Gaara's eyes unreadable.

"Space?" he growled, his rugged voice deepening with irritation. "Lee-I have no idea how to handle my own emotions! I don't know what I'm feeling, other than really fucking upset that you left." Gaara said, his breathing growing even more ragged. He felt like he was shaking apart inside, his hands kneading against the ache in his belly as he tried to calm down.

"I did not mean to upset you. That was the last thing I wanted!" Lee told the younger man, kicking at the ground

"Well, you did! God...I feel like I'm falling apart." Gaara said, rubbing a hand over his face. He was too hot, his emotions broiling from within just as the heat seared through him, making it difficult to focus. His gaze locked with Lee's and stepped closer, tentatively he reached up, touching the ridge of Lee's sharp jawline with his fingertips. His skin hummed at the touch, an electric tingle that made him hyperaware of the tall shinobi. Lee seemed to feel it two, his breath stuttering.

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