The Dursley's

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As soon as I heard the crack, I got up, and ran over to Malfoy. I quickly pulled him into the bathroom so I could explain everything.

"Granger? What's going on? Potter sent a letter saying you were coming tomorrow, and then he just sent one to apparate to this place?"

"Yeah, about that. Well, the other guy in there, Harry's cousin. He's, well, he's been flirting with me this whole time, and he wants me to stay. So when I said I couldn't he wanted to know why. And I, well, I said that I was visiting my boyfriends family. And he said for you to come here, and Harry just sent a letter to you. Sorry." I said, looking down, embarrassed.

"Oh, okay. It's fine, lets go then." He said casually, I looked up, shocked.

"Wait, what are we going to do?"

"Gee, I don't know, how about act like we're dating so this creep stops flirting with you."

"Wait, really? You'd do that?"

"Don't flatter yourself Granger. Lets go. And make it look believable, I don't want him finding out, from what you've told me, I don't think he'll stop when you ask him. If you know what I mean."

"Oh, yeah, okay. Thank you Malfoy." I smiled at the blond Slytherin.

"Oh, and I think we should probably be on first name basis, at least for the time being." he smirked, grabbed my hand, and opened the bathroom door, walking out. I felt something at the pit of my stomach when he intertwined his fingers with mine. I quickly pushed it down, it was probably nothing.

"Hi, I'm Draco Malfoy, Hermione's boyfriend." He shook Dudley's hand.

"Uh, hi, I'm Dudley, Harry's cousin." He said, eyeing Dr- Malfoy. "How long have you two been dating?"

"Since our third year. At our boarding school. Although I knew she was the one for me since the first day we meet." Malfoy said, not missing a beat. We sat down on the couch, Harry was still on the floor, Dudley in an armchair. Malfoy put his arm around me, pulling me close so my head was on his shoulder. It felt natural, it felt safe- wait, what am I thinking! This is Malfoy for Merlin's sake!  I mentally slapped myself.

"So, that's what, three years?" Dudley asked.

"Yeah, isn't your anniversary coming up soon?" Harry asked, chuckling under his breath. I glared at him while Malfoy answered the question.

"Yes, it actually in a few days. She's coming over to visit my family, my mother adores her and my father is say's she's like the daughter he never had." He says, pulling me in and kissing my temple. I leaned into him, pulling him closer, into a hug.

"Oh, okay. What do you want to watch Hermione?" Dudley asked, turning to me.

"Oh, um, I don't care. What about Britain's Got Talent?" I suggested.

"Okay." He says as he turns on the TV and put's Britain's Got Talent on.

"I'm going to get snack's. Draco, can you help?" I asked, pulling him up with me.

"Sure." He winks before pulling me into a hug, he leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Maybe we can do something else too." He smirked when I blushed a deep red.

"Maybe, but don't get your hopes up." I smirked when he pouted. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the kitchen. I grabbed some cups, Mrs. Dursley had showed me where everything was earlier. I grabbed a bottle of Coca~Cola out of the fridge and poured it into the four glasses I grabbed. I whispered a charm under my breath that would make Dudley get tired faster.

"What'd you do to that drink?" Malfoy asked as he walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I blushed hard, glad he couldn't see my face. "I put a charm on it, so Dudley will fall asleep quickly after drinking it."

"Okay, here, let me help you carry those." He slowly pulled his arms away, I missed their warmth.

"That's what I brought you in here for." He took the drink for Dudley, and another one. I grabbed the last two, handing one to Harry, the other to Dra- Malfoy. He handed one of the glasses to me, and the other to Dudley.

He sat down on the couch, pulling me down so I was snuggling into his chest. I sipped on my drink while Malfoy took a large swig before setting it back down. I tried to pay attention to the show, but my eye lids were getting heavier by the second. I put my drink down and Snuggled close to the warmth of the Slytherin's body.


Draco Pov:

I smiled when Hermione snuggled closer into me. I had switched her and the pigs glass so she would fall asleep quickly. I moved so I was leaning against the arm of the couch and Her- Granger, was laying on my chest. I moved her hair out of her face before sighing and returning my attention to the box with moving pictures.

"So Draco, have you said the 'L' word yet?" Potter's pig of a cousin asked, his beady eyes raking over Hermi- Granger's body. I felt the need to protect her so I pulled a blanket, that was laying over the back of the couch, over her.

"No, but I know I do love her. But every time I go to tell her, I chicken out." I sighed, rubbing her back slightly.

"Okay. Just go for it. I mean, if you've been dating for three years, I'm sure there has to be some kind of spark, right?"

"Wow Dudley, I didn't know you could give decent advice." Potter said. The bloke was on the laughing on the floor. I rolled my eyes.

"Where is she sleeping tonight? I want to take her to bed?" I said as I carefully picked up Her- Granger, Merlin, I have to stop doing that, I followed Potter and carried her bridal style up the stairs her bridal style.

"She's staying in my room, I'm on the couch downstairs." Potter told me. I laid her down on the bed, pulling the blankets over top of her.

I was about to leave when I saw the pig walk into the room across Potter's. I didn't trust him. "I'm going to stay up here actually. I don't really trust your cousin." I said plainly. I tore a loose thread off of the blanket and transfigured it into another bed, I laid down on it on watched Granger sleep.

"Okay, don't do anything Malfoy." Potter warned before walking out and closing the door behind him, I rolled my eyes. I was almost asleep when Granger started crying out in her sleep. She was thrashing in her bed, she was getting louder by the second. I quickly got up and went to her. I sat on her bed and pulled her into my arms.

"Shh, it's okay. It's just a nightmare. You're okay." I sat there, rubbing her back before she calmed down. I slowly laid her back down on the bed and turned to lay back down on my bed when she started to whimper again. I sighed before kicking off my shoes, pulling the covers back, and laying down next to her. I pulled her into my arms rubbing her back. Whispering that everything was okay, and she was safe. She stopped whimpering and fell quiet again. I soon fell asleep, the girl I've had a crush on since first year, in my arms.

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