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"Granger I-" Pansy started, she paused and took a deep breathe before continuing. "I am so sorry. For every stupid name I called you, for every time I laughed at you and made fun of you. This while time, we all thought you and Potter knew, about everything the order does. And I know that's no excuse, but I was also really jealous of you too. Wow, I never thought I would admit that." She smiled when I chuckled slightly. Raising my head from Draco's neck. "I was jealous because you had everything I wanted. You had the caring friends who would do anything for you, yes I have those, now. You proved everyone wrong, you were the top of our class since day one." She looked into my eyes, and I could tell that everything she said was genuine and she truly was sorry. "And I know that nothing could make up for everything we did. But I hope that one day you can forgive us."

I was silent for a moment before answering the dark haired Slytherin in front of me. "Pansy, I know we have never gotten along in the past...but, I also know, that everything I knew up until a few days ago, has been a lie. So yes, I accept your apology, and I really do hope we can become friends. And that goes for all of you." I smiled and pointed at the Slytherin's in front of me. By now, I was sitting up, but Draco's arm was still around me slightly.

"Really? You're going to forgive us that quickly?" Theo Nott exclaimed.

"Well, yeah. Harry and I talked about it, before he got drunk." I added, smirking at the boy who lived.

"Why'd you get drunk Potter?" Daphne asked.

"I uh, I can't remember." He mumbled rubbing his neck.

"Then it worked." Blaise cheered, throwing his hands in the air. If you would have walked in at that moment, you would have thought you were delusional. You would see Slytherin's and Gryffindor's laughing together. The same Slytherin's and Gryffindor's who fought and never got along and teased each other for 5 years straight.

"Okay, so is there really anything going on between you two?" Pansy asked pointing at Draco and I, catching her breath once the laughing died down.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked dumbly.

"Draco, quite acting dumb, like I said earlier, it doesn't suit you." I said hitting his shoulder slightly.

"See? Tell us!" Daphne whined loudly.

"Blaise mate, control your girlfriend." Theo complained rubbing his ear.

"Wait, you two are dating?" I asked, pointing at Zabini and Greengrass.

"Ah ah ah," Pansy started, waving her finger. "Don't try to change the subject Granger. But yes, their dating." The black haired witch smiled at two of her best friends.

"Can't blame a girl for trying." I smirked shrugging, Pansy chuckled at my response.

"So, explain." Pansy said sternly, pointing at Draco and I. I turned to look at him and shrugged, letting him know he could explain.

"Go ahead." I smirked, leaning back into his shoulder

"Okay, well, nothing really I guess. I mean, we've-" I cut him off quickly

"Oh look at the time! We should do something before dinner!" I exclaimed, earning a glare from the Slytherin's across from me, and earning a smirk from the one I was sitting on.

"Yeah! Why don't we all go swimming?" Harry said jumping up.

"Perfect idea Harry." Draco said. "Let's go." He said as I got up off his lap. The three of us walked up stairs to our rooms, leaving behind four clueless and shocked Slytherin's.

Once we were out of hearing range, I spoke up. "That was fun!" I laughed when we stopped in front of Draco's door.

"Yeah, did you see their faces when you sat in Malfoy's lap?" Harry laughed.

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