State finals part 2

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AN: This is a picture of me in front of the coliseum, I went on a trip to Greece and Italy a week ago!

"Look, it's time to play smart hockey, duck hockey. We need a power plan. Hit 'em where it hurts the most... up there." coach said pointing to the score board. "Fulton your in." coach said to Fulton.

"Coach they'll be rushin' him." Averman said.

"Right, Jesse make sure you give Fulton plenty of time." coach said.

"Jesse do good." Charlie and I said.

"Alright, Let's go." Coach said as we all started getting ready.

"Yeah." we all said.

"Let's have fun out there." coach said sending us off.

"Yeah." we all said. I get the face off and pass it to Fulton, while me and Jesse block people. Fulton winds up and shoots... he scores! It's now 3-2.

"Yeah! Go Fulton!" We all scream as we surround him.

"More fun, more fun!" Coach starts yelling as I laugh at him. I was sitting on the bench, when one of the hawks came and took re puck away from Tommy. We all yelled and screamed at them to get it back, but it was too late they scored. Now it's 4-2.

"Guys, guys, guys listen up, we have got to stay fired up and we have got to stay focused. It ain't over till it's over. Tammy, Tommy, let's show these hawks something really different." coach said explaining the play. Tammy an Tommy were passing the puck back and forth. Tommy took the puck while Tammy started doing a scratch spin. Yes I know what kinds of spins they are I used to be a figure skater. (AN: I am a figure skater that is why I love this movie.) All the hockey players got so distracted that when Tammy stopped spinning she shot the puck and scored.

"Yeah!! Girl power!" Connie and I screamed. The score was now 4-3.

Just then McGill came up behind Tammy and pushed her from the side.

While everyone was celebrating and the crowd was booing, Fulton left and pushed McGill over the boards. He got kicked out.


"Oreo Line, I want you to remember what we learned, ducks stick together, right?" coach asked.

"Yeah!" They all said.

"So let's see it. Show me the Flying V." coach said.

"Alright" They said as they left.

"Let's get a line change, Let's Go!" coach screamed out onto the ice.

I was put onto the ice for the Flying V right behind Jesse on his right hand side. Terry had the puck, he passed it to me, and I passed it to Jessie who scored. The score now 4-4.


The Hawks had the puck and shot on Goldberg who saved the goal.

"Big save, Goldberg, we'll get 'em in overtime!" coach screamed to Goldberg.

Avermen passed the puck to my brother, Charlie skated down the ice with the puck, when a hawk hooked him.

"Hey, where's the call?" coach screamed.

The referee was calling a penalty shot.

"Coach, penalty shot. Anyone on the ice can take it." The referee told coach.

"I think Guy or Jodie should take it." Connie said.

"What me?" I asked, "I think Charlie should take it, finish off what he started."

"Coach we have a chance to win-" Charlie started.

"Damn straight we do, come here." He said now talking specifically to Charlie only.

Charlie decided to take it.

"Let's Go Charlie!" I screamed as he got out there.

He started skating down the ice with the puck.

"Come on, Charlie!" I screamed.

1...2...3... Triple Deke... He shoots...


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