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I clenched my hands into tight fists, pressing my nails into my palms as I trailed after my best friend, trying to dodge people who crowded the side walk while she carelessly bumped into them. She never paused to apologize or to return their annoyed words directed towards her as she strode forward. I tried to send the disgruntled people apologetic looks as I quickened my pace, trying to catch up to her fast strides.

"Lia come on!" Her bold voice ushered out to me when she glanced back and saw the distance between us. I changed my pace into a quick jog to catch up with her. Once I was by her side she quickened her pace again, leaving me to walk quickly next to her.

"Where are we going?" I questioned her curiously, trying to avoid people that were walking towards us on the sidewalk while again she just carelessly bumped into them.

It always amazed me how unfazed she could be from the world. While I desperately did everything to avoid getting in people's way, she refused to back down and never moved. She was always set into doing her thing, not letting others get in her way of it.

"Hey bitch fucking watch it!" A man who she had slammed her shoulder into yelled loudly as he stopped to glare at her back.

I bit my lip at his words and looked over to see Maxx only roll her eyes before lazily raising her hand up so she could flip him off, without even sparing him a glance.

Maxx never seemed bothered by other's words, something I envied about her.

"Dickwad," I heard her mutter under her breath as I twisted my lip under my teeth.

"Maxx," I softly scolded her, earning another eye roll from her except this one was different because it wasn't full of irritation and instead full of playfulness.

I couldn't help the surprised sound that left my mouth when she grabbed my wrist quickly and turned a corner, going down an alley with me stumbling behind her.

"Maxx where are you taking me?" I questioned a little nervously. I knew alley's could be dangerous places and this one didn't seem far off from the ones I saw in movies. Graffiti was scattered all over the brick walls and trash was littered all over the rough pavement.

Maxx only ignored my question again, causing me to let out a frustrated sigh as she again pulled me down another sharp turn, leading us out of the alley and onto another street.

She let go of my wrist and I softly rubbed the area she was pulling at while I followed her into a building, walking up a large and narrow staircase.

At the top of the stairs there was a door. Maxx pushed the door open and I quickly followed her in, before finally receiving my answer of where she was taking me.

I looked around the room in silent awe as I saw beautiful art pieces and pictures of tattoos hanging on the walls as well as LED lights that hung high on the walls. One that caught my eyes and made them widen was a blue one that said 'Fucking Perfect' in cursive letters.

"Well good afternoon ladies. What are you looking to get done today?" A man's voice caught my attention and I turned around and blushed when I saw two men sitting behind a desk.

"I got a tattoo appointment with Payton," Maxx told him as she approached the desk, crossing her arms on it lazily.

The man who was standing behind the desk grinned, showing off his perfectly straight teeth before he nodded his head and began to fiddle on a laptop next to him. The other guy behind the counter turned around to face us as he walked closer to the counter.

I internally gasped when I saw ink on one side of his face, and going down his arms. He looked younger than the first man, appearing to be in his really early twenties.

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