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"You do realize I have enough tattoos to know that yours is healing perfectly fine, right? I mean there's no reason to go all the way there for the dude to say the same shit,"

I sighed at Maxx's words as I walked down the sidewalks of the streets, trying my best to avoid bumping into others.

"Well he said I should come by just to be positive," I stated, for probably the third time this entire call.

"You've said that but it makes zero fucking sense! I can tell you myself. You're wasting your time,"

I rolled my eyes at her words as I pulled the phone back to glance at the time.

"Don't you have a class in five minutes?" I asked her, earning an annoyed groan from her which made me grin.

"Don't bother changing the subject! I know what you're doing. You practically orgasmed when you told me all about your tattoo artist, you just want to see him again," Her words stopped me in my tracks and caused my mouth to fall open.

"W-What?!" I exclaimed, feeling my body darken and my heart speed up.

"Mhm, you just want to see tall, inked and sexy," She stated smugly causing me to sputter out sounds in protest.

"No! He told me to come by so he can see it! That's all this is," I defended, beginning to walk again down the sidewalk since people were giving me weird looks for randomly standing still in the middle of the pavement.

"Bullshit," She laughed boldly into the phone causing me to groan.

"It is!" I shrieked exasperatedly, flushing under the stares I got from bystanders. I quickened my pace, rounding the final corner before I stopped and paced in spot.

"Whatever you say. Listen I got to go to class but let me know when I can say I told you so since your tattoo is fine," She stated before she hung up causing me to roll my eyes before I put my phone in my bag.

I headed up the narrow staircase that I was becoming quite familiar with before I entered the shop, seeing Oliver sitting behind the desk as usual but this time he was alone and he was on the phone with someone.

Not wanting to bother him I turned around and began to walk over to the couch when I saw a man sitting down in the middle of it.

He was very handsome. He had strong shoulders, covered in a white t-shirt and his light brown curly hair was a mess on top of his head, which somehow made him cuter.

His bright blue eyes looked up at me and a lopsided grin slipped onto his plump lips.

"My bad. Let me move over," The guy apologized before he moved over to one side of the couch so I could sit down. I smiled at him as I smoothed out the back of my dress while sitting down.

"I'm Cody," The man introduced himself, holding a hand out towards me.

"I'm Ophelia," I returned the greeting, shaking his large hand while noticing how smooth it was.

He must use really expensive lotion.

When our hands pulled away he patted his thighs and chuckled.

"Here for a tattoo?" He questioned me, flashing me another grin.

He had a really nice smile, it was so handsome on him.

"Uh kinda," I flushed at my thoughts.

Stop thinking about how cute he is! He's trying to talk to you.

He raised an eyebrow at me and I let out a soft chuckle.

"I got my first tattoo a couple days ago and the artist told me to come in so they can see how it's healing," I explained to him, watching as he looked a bit taken back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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