Chapter 5.) Interconnecting Tunnels

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Lightbulb smiled, holding onto Paintbrush by their handle. They choked and gagged as she held them tighter and tighter.

"You know," She started, her eyes narrowing. "If I killed you now, nothing will change."

"What- HURK D-do you m-mean??" The brush questioned, eyebrows furrowed.

"You DO realize you're in a life loop, correct? The Continuation will always bring you, and those you have saved from the darkness, back to life. You can never die." Lightbulb hissed, her eyes swirling. Paintbrush choked, gasping for breath. They grabbed at Lightbulb's hands, attempting to pry them off their dying form.

"I don't know whhh- hh- at you mean GKK-!" They wheezed as she tightened her grip.

"I killed you once, correct?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.


"Have you noticed that you now have scars on your eyes?"

"Wh- hhrrk-!"

Lightbulb traced her claws against their eye, Paintbrush tensed, feeling their "skin" break. Small beads of blood trickled down their face as they gagged and coughed. She then dug her claws into their eyes, listening to their screams of pain. 

"Don't be such a wimp! This is only going to be your third death!" She taunted.

Paintbrush woke from their slumber, which they didn't know they had fallen into. They groaned, sitting up. They looked around the area they were in. Right, a weird cave system. Paintbrush stood up, looking around more, before noticing their friend, Test Tube, was missing.

"Uh oh..TEST TUBE??" They shouted, frantically. "TEST TUBE WHERE DID YOU GO??"

They panicked, quickly looking around for their friend. Test Tube was nowhere to be found.

"Oh god oh god where did she go?!" They hyperventilated, quickly running deeper into the cave. They continued shouting for their friend, but there was no reply. Paintbrush ran deeper and deeper into the cave system, before being stopped by corruption. The black substance stirred as it blocked the path. A wall formed behind them, and now..they were trapped.


[Gore Warning]

Test Tube got bored of waiting around for Paintbrush to wake up, so she decided to explore.

"There has to be something in these caves to get us out of here.." She walked into the darkness, squinting her eyes as she went further and further into the caves. The science glass was stopped by a greyscale fan who was staring at her. He held the knife in his hands tightly as he approached her. Test Tube tensed up, backing away.

"You're not from around here, are you?" He whispered, staring her down.

"N-No? I'm not?"

The fan narrowed his "eyes". "Then get out of here." He hissed, before brutally stabbing her, watching the glass shatter and the odd green liquid seep like blood. She fell, holding the stab wound and glaring at the greyscale fan.

The fan hummed. "That should've killed you." He growled, raising the knife up again. He swung his arm down, stabbing Test Tube in the face. She screamed in agony as the knife collided with her eye. "Blood" gushed out of the stab wound as he pulled the knife back, creating a bigger wound.

Test Tube went limp and closed her eyes.

"A shame, really.." The fan started, a hint of sadness in his voice. "That you had to fall victim to The Continuation."

Everything went dark, and Test Tube woke up on some soft, white soil. She groaned, sitting up. Didn't she just die? She examined where she had been stabbed, and lo and behold, there was a scar. She cringed and stood up. Paintbrush was nowhere to be found, how odd.

"Guess I'm going to have to go on a search.."


[Wow! A new chapter! And so soon!

Let's thank my dad for coming up with a name for the life loop(The Continuation). Thank you dad :]

Hope y' enjoy this chapter!!


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