chapter 8

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Aren't we just going to die in the end anyway?


Lance looked at shiro In destress, blushing as the castle alarms were blaring in his ears. Soon enough Shiro started running down to his lion with Lance not to far behind him.'Guess we will forget what just happened?' Lance though kinda angry the alarms ruined a moment like that. As lance entered the cockpit of the white lion blánca stoped him.

'you can't take me, you'll have to take blue.'

"What! Why?!?"

'because they will know that we have a secret weapon that could end the war in the blink of an eye. Can you imagine what they would do to get there malicious hands on me.'

"Yeah but.........fine." lance said holding a disappointed look on his face. Jogging towards blue's cockpit.

"I just wanted to what she could do."lance mumbled thinking out loud.

As lance enters blue he could already here the explosions and screams of the enemy and some of his teammates, but combined with the sound of ear bleeding alarms coming from the castle his head was pounding. Surprisingly he never got used to the sounds.

"Come on blue let's kick some galra butt!"

~After the intense fight~

"There was something off about that fight." Said pidge as everyone filed into the lounge. "Yeah they seemed more persistent than usual. Do you think they know we have the white loin?"shiro exclaimed looking towards Allura.

Allura looked deep in thought, thinking of the story's her father told her."The white lion has a very large quintecencem aura so it's very likely they wanted the source. This could be very bad if the galra had or even found out about the white lion." Allura now looked frantic while biting her thumb nail.

"Don't worry princess that won't happen!" coran almost shouted waving his hands around.
"Yeah we won't let that happen. Maybe we could hide it somehow??" Hunk pitched in wanting to help as much as possible.

"Wait, that could actually work!" Pidge then started rambling about science stuff. Lance really wasn't paying attention. He was watching a certain muscular man. (It's not coran;)

Lance replays the scene in his mind.


He can feel shiro's minty breath on his slightly parted lips.


Both staring into other's souls and having a bonding moment, just like lovers would do. Oh what Lance would do just to have such a relationship with shiro.


"Sorry what were you saying?" Lance snapping back into reality.

Allura sigh's "Not paying attention as usual. I was saying that I have new clothes for you since you normal clothes don't fit you anymore." Allura said passive aggressively shoving the clothes into his hand.

Lance put on a smile to hide the anger." Thanks, I guess." Some anger seaping through his words.

"Go try it on just to see if it will fit. The test should be back any minute now." Pidge said researching some of the space malls around.

Lance then turned and went to the nearest room and made sure to lock it.

Well the outfit fit nicely on Lance so he went back to the lounge to get his friends opinion on it.

Well the outfit fit nicely on Lance so he went back to the lounge to get his friends opinion on it

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(This is the outfit)

When Lance was about to open the door all he heard was gasps of shock and sadness.

"No way!"
"That...that can't be possible."
"I don't believe it!!"

Lance oped the door." What's the fuss about?" As lance was met with everyone crowded by a piece of paper.

Coran was the first to speak " My boy you are-"

Yo yo yo
Sorry for the cliffhanger.
Also happy pride month!!
I hope you are safe right now with everything that's happening in the world.
If you want comment your sexuality (only if you want to) even if your just an ally.
Imma coming out as pansexual.
You should feel honored, you are the first people I'm coming out to.

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