1 - Fly Away Train Station

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"Oh, I'm sorry!" I turned from the newspaper stand I was facing to see Lucy in the middle of the street, frowning apologetically at a man who was honking at her.

I placed down my paper and grabbed Lucy's shoulders as she skidded to a halt in front of me. I tugged on her braids gently. "Lu, you've got to be more careful when you cross roads." I scolded.

Lucy nodded breathlessly. "You and Susan better come quickly!" Susan snapped her head in our direction, turning her back on the geek that had been pestering her. She nodded and we picked up our trunks from the ground and crossed the street with Lu carefully.

Lucy grabbed my hand as we neared the train station, pulling me through the crowds gathered within. Susan clasped her free hand on my other wrist so as not to get lost.

Shoving through a crowd of chanting students, I finally understand the urgency. In the middle of a ring created by students, Peter was in a tangle of boys' limbs. He looked up just as we arrived. I turned to look at Susan, who was shooting him a disappointed look.

I quickly handed my trunk to Lucy and began to move through the crowd and closer to Peter.

"Macey, don't!" Susan called after me.

I ignored her and continued to weave through the people, my ears ringing. I stumbled as someone bumped into my shoulder and raced past me. I only realized who it was once Lucy called out to them.

"Edmund!" She cried. The raven-haired boy ignored her and dove into the fight, jumping on a boy's back who was kneeing Peter in the stomach.

My steps hastened. The crowd's chanting around me pulsating with volume and the bodies packed around me swayed, my vision blurry. My feet twisted together. Of course, when Peter needs me I get another spell. I pushed myself along harder.

Once I was finally a row of students away from the circle, Peter looked up and met my eyes again. "Stay out, Mae!" He called, not able to say anymore as the boys threw him to the floor near the tracks. I scowled and finished my way through the boys, grabbing one of the brutes' arms and yanking him backward.

"Lay off!" I shouted. I moved forward to grab the arm of another boy, but before I could reach him I felt hands loop around my waist, yanking me back. I whipped my head around to see the one I had just moved back now holding on tightly to me.

He turned with me in his arms and threw me away from the fight, causing me to slam roughly on the concrete floor. I cried out as a wave of pain rushed through my head.

Edmund's head whipped to the sound of my cry. "Don't touch her!" He yelled at the boy. He pushed the student he was fighting away and started towards me, but was stopped as his opponent tackled him again.

I shook my head. "I'm fine, Ed." I mumbled. Even as I spoke, the world tilted dangerously to the side. I stood and grabbed the shoulder of a younger boy to balance myself, but he scoffed and pushed my hand off. The movement sent me stumbling forward.

Edmund shoved and kicked at the boy restricting him, finally getting him off by punching him in the mouth. He reached me just as I fell dangerously close to the ground again. His arm wrapped protectively around my front and waist as he pulled me to his chest. His arms were far more gentle than the other boys' and I sank into them weakly.

Faintly, I heard the sounds of the bobbies separating the fight Edmund had just abandoned. He lowered his mouth to my ear and whispered comforting things as he led me to a metal bench.

"I'm fine, Edmund. It was just a headache." I pushed his hands away as he inspected my face. "I should be worrying over you." I pointed to his lip, where a cut leaked small drops of blood. Edmund shrugged it off and wiped his mouth with his hand.

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