7 - The Raid

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That night, Susan helped me into my armor. It had improved vastly since the last time I was forced to protect my skin to such a degree. The chest plates now came in smaller sizes for women, as well as chainmail skirts. Susan wore one whilst I stuck to my leather pants. Susan tightened my last shoulder pad, nodding as she looked me over. I smiled in thanks before grabbing my sword, doubling checking that my daggers were securely strapped to my arms.

As we exited the How, we spotted the griffins that awaited us. Lucy rushed over and pulled us both into a tight hug.

"Be safe. I wish I could come." She whispered. Su and I squeezed her tightly before pulling away and looking down at her.

"I know, Lu. But Peter's got too much on his plate right now. He can't be worried over too many people at once right now, and you know he worries most over you." I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. She nodded and pulled us to her again. Susan and I placed kisses on her head before approaching the griffins.

Edmund stood on my left. "Be safe." He mouthed from his griffin.

"You too." I mouthed back.

We nodded to each other before his griffin grabbed his waist and lifted him from the ground, flying off into the darkening sky. Mine, Susan's, and Peter's soon did the same.

The flight was short, and most of the Narnians traveled by foot on the paths below us. We arrived at the castle, the army hiding in the shadows of the mountain before it. We waited for Edmund's signal.

Once the flickering light could be seen through the slight fog of the night, we moved in. Caspian dropped lower from his griffin to cut a guard across the chest, and Susan shot another one as she landed.

We gathered on a thin windowsill to a study, where I slid one of my daggers through the cracks to unlock it.

"Professor?" Caspian whispered into the empty room as he climbed in. Susan, Peter, and I followed behind closely.

The prince lifted a pair of half-moon glasses with wide eyes. "I have to find him." He said.

"We don't have time. You have to get to the gatehouse!" Peter hissed.

"You wouldn't even be here without him. And neither would I." Caspian argued. I shared a glance with Susan and nodded.

"We can take Miraz." She said to Peter. I nodded to Caspian.

"I will go with you to find him."

"And we can still make it to the gatehouse in time." Caspian assured Peter.

The blond sighed before nodding. Caspian grabbed my arm and fled from the room, leading me through the corridors silently. We hastily made our way to the dungeons, where Caspian jammed his sword hilt into the temple of a sleeping guard. I winced as the man fell to the floor with a loud crash.

After waiting a moment in case the noise disturbed anyone, I grabbed the keys from the guard's belt and handed them to Caspian. He turned and shakily unlocked the cell behind us, which contained a stout old man. He dropped to a kneel beside him and shook him awake.

"Five more minutes?" He asked the man teasingly. The man, his professor, I had deducted, sat up with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here? I didn't help you escape just so you could get captured again. You have to get out before Miraz learns you are here!" The man whispered, gripping Caspian's shoulders tightly. I tugged both of the men up from the floor.

"He'll learn soon enough, we are giving him your cell. Now c'mon!" I said lowly. I turned and ran out of the cell, but the doctor stopped Caspian.

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