Chapter 9- Kiss Me.

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Niall's P.O.V

3:08 am

I'd been tossing and turning in my bed all night. I haven't had a wink of sleep. Todays events just keep playing on my mind. Daisy announcing she's pregnant, Allie collapsing, Ellie announcing that Allie's pregnant, Harry calling. It's all abit too much for me to keep up with. No you know what? None of it's any of my problem, i just need to sleep...

5:13 am

After about 2 hours of staring at the celing i decided to just go downstairs. I jumped out of bed and popped my bunny slippers on that Harry had bought everyone last christmas. It was dark when i got downstairs and all of a sudden i felt very sleepy. So i flopped onto the couch, but my nose kept tickling. I figured it was Daisy's cat Ocean so i pulled on it.

"OW!" Someone shot up and started hitting me with a pillow. "Don't ever pull my hair again!"

"Ok ok, im sorry! I thought you were the cat!" They through the pillow that they'd been hitting me with at me and turned on the light. Renee. "Renee... I'm sorry i didn't know it was you..." She smiled slightly and walked over to the kettle.

"Want one?" She asked me whilst hovering the kettle over an empty cup. I nodded.

"Thanks." I said as she handed over the 'cuddle me' me to you cup. "Can't you sleep either?"

"Nope not at all, I keep thinking about everything that's happened today. I'm really worried Niall." She cuddled up next to me and rested her head on the top of my arm.

"Don't be everything will be ok, but can we talk about something different, It's all i 've thought about all night."

"Like?" She asked me smiling.

"I don't know, just talk." Her smiled faded and before i knew it our lips were pressed together. "You're a great talker!" I said completely flushed. She laughed.

"Thanks... Wanna talk some more?" I nodded, not sure if i was dreaming or... She kissed me again, this time it was long and sweet. Suddenly we heard footsteps coming down the stairs and jumped to seperate ends of the couch. I cleared my throat.

"Liam, what are you doing up?" I asked him annoyed.

"Couldn't sleep, knew someone was up so i wondered if we could talk?" He replied. Me and Renee just looked at eacch other and burst out laughing. She's a great conversationalist.

"Liam i have to talk to you." I told him, it was about 11:30 and the house was empty apart from me and Liam. Renee, Daisy and Ellie were at Allie's checking up on her. Whilst Louis and Zayn are meeting Mark to talk about the Harry issue.

"What about you finally making your move with Ree?"

"No, not exactly..."

"And don't think i didn't see you two giving it the old smooch this morning."

"Liam I-"

"Good choice by the way, going for Mr Lautners little sis, don't hurt her though, he might go all wolfy on you!"

"Liam Harry called!" I couldn't keep it in any more, besides it shut him up.


Louis' P.O.V

I knocked on the door, my hands trembling. I was about to see her, i haven't talked to her in person since Ellie told us about her being pregnant. I mean i had been with her, but she was either passed out or sleeping... or both. And how am I going to keep this from her. Me and Zayn had been to see Mark about Harry's dissapearance and he told us the truth. What really happened to my 'best bud'. I haven't had a chance to tell the guys yet, came straight here. So me and Z and both going to tell them when i get back. But right now i really need to let off some steam. So it's probabally best i don't see Allie right now, im no good for her like this. I turned around to walk away when the door opened.

"Louis." Ellie opened the door and gave a completely fake smile. I smiled back and nodded, not bothering to say 'hi'. "Helen Louis' here." She shouted to Allie's mom, who must have been in the kitchen. "She's upstairs, I'll take you up." I followed her up the baige carpeted stairs into the meduim sized cute little room. Allie was curled up sleeping in her large comfy looking bed. There's nothing i want more right now than to cuddle up with her, make her feel better. But we need to talk. I walked to her bed and sat beside her. Ellie sat on the window seat and watched us from the other side of the room. I put my hand on Allie's shoulder. She looked so peaceful, and young. Way too young to be pregnant.

"Allie? Allie baby, wake up hun it's Louis." I said extreamley quietly. Trying not to breathe and break the silence. She scrunched her eyes and rolled over to where i was sat. She slowly opened them big blue gems and smiled.

"Hello Lou boo." I leant down and kissed her softy on the cheek. "I've missed you."I smiled.

"I've missed you too Al, are you feeling better?" I asked whilst gently stroking her pale looking cheeks. She sat up and pushed her hair back.

"Yeah, the doctor said it was just because i was throwing up and not eating, so i had nothing to throw up, and he said getting myself so worked up helped. But i'm fine now."

"Good, well we kind of need to talk..." I said feeling nervous. She shifted, so she obviously felt the same.

"Yeah... El don't you have a date with George tonight? Dont you think you should go get yourself all prettied up?" She asked Ellie who was still sitting on the window seat.

"Not that you need it." I added with a wink.

She stood up and walked towards us.

"I can't just leave you, you're poorly." She protested.

"Dont be stupid, you've been here for 2 days straight, go have fun! Besides i have Louis to take care of me. Go take a break."Ellie smiled at Allie and hugged her. Then me.

"Don't kill her." She said pretty seriously.

"I'll try." I laughed.

"Her medicines in the bathroom cabinet, she needs two tablets an hour... oh and she has her tea strong with no sugar." She added, asif i didin't know.

"Cos' she's already sweet enough." I said, putting on the charm. Allie leaned in to kiss my cheek but i moved my head so it landed softly on my lips. She smiled and bit her bottom lip.

"I'm never going to get over my brother and my bestfriend... smooching."

"Well get over it El, cos' i aint going anywhere." I argued not taking my eyes off Allie. Ellie waved and left. "Seeya super sis!" I think i heard a 'yeh yeh' but i couldn't be sure. Al looked at me and raised her eyebrows. We did the usual awkward scene, ' so' 'so'. But i just figured i'd get it over with. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant Allie?" She pulled the covers down and patted the bed next to her. I sat down and took hold of her hands.

"I was just about to, me and Ellie were upstairs practicing what i was going to say when Daisy said that she was pregnant. I didn't want to ruin her day so i figured i could wait another day. I thought i could take advantage of the situation and ask you how you'd feel. And you completely surprised me. I thought you'd have loved it, obviously not..." Her eyes pooled up. I began to protest but she stopped me. "It's ok Lou, i get it. You've got your whole career ahead of you, you don't need this. But i'm not oborting, i can't and i wont. So i'm going to take care of it. You can move to America like Mark wants and i'll always let you see it, if you want that is. Or if you'd rather just erase us both from your life i'd get that too... But dont worry about leaving me. I guess that's one thing you and Harry have in common." She muttered the last part. My vision went blurry and a tear dropped onto our joint hands.

"You couldn't be more wrong Allie. I want every part of this, from changing a nappy to teaching them how to drive. I want in, i want you and i want this baby. And if i have to give up my career then i'll do it. I'll do anything for you Allie, I love you."

"I love you too." She was crying again, but it was that warm happy sad that made you go all mushy. "Whatever happens?"

"We're in this together."

" Oh my god wouldn't it be so cool if the whole high school musical cast came in ad started singing, we're all in this together!?"

"Shut up and kiss me."


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