Pride Month Competition: Pan

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Idk if I titled that correctly TvT

Marvelhero_red here is my submission! On the first day of June lol

Marvelhero_red here is my submission! On the first day of June lol

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I wish I was this quick with my schoolwork TwT

Yeee :D

Time taken: 2 hours including rough sketch, 1 hour 36 minutes without

I hope you like it! More pride-related stuff flying in soon as this is PRIDE MONTH! My first one officially in the LGBTQ+ community, hopefully many more to come!

Edit: FRACK that's the wrong photo I'm so sorry ughhhhhhh

Mmadelhero_red that's the wrong photo I'm sorryyyyyy

Mmadelhero_red  that's the wrong photo I'm sorryyyyyy

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I post r the wrong oneeee

This is my submission TvT

Thanks for reading!

PP out!~

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