It was April 15th, 1912, it was 1:00 am and the bow of the Titanic was completely submerged by the North Atlantic Ocean. Tam and Bucket watched as the stern of the ship raise out of the ocean.
Bucket, I can't believe this is happening to the most famous ship in the world, Tam said as she wrapped herself in the blanket.
Bwapp Beep ( Yeah, I can't believe it either.)
I hope Yeager is ok, I'm worried about him, Tam said as hugged Bucket.
Bwapp Beep ( Yeah, I don't want to lose him.)
It's going to be alright Bucket, Tam said as she put a hand on his helmet.
After a while, Tam and Bucket saw something that they never thought they see, the ship's power went on and off for the last time and the ship broke in half between the third and fourth funnel.
Bucket, how is this possible?
Bwapp Beep ( I don't know Tam, it was supposed to be "unsinkable.")
After a while, Tam and Bucket saw the ship slip beneath the waves, never to be seen again.
Bucket, it's gone, Tam said as she had a single tear roll down her face.
Bwapp Beep ( It's going to be alright Tam,) Bucket said as he cuddled up next to her.
Thanks Bucket, now we just have to wait for the rescue ship.
After a tragic night, Tam, Yeager, and Bucket have nothing to do, but wait. Wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never come.
Tam and Yeager go on Titanic's maiden voyagemaiden voyage
AventuraThis is the story of Tam and Yeager's tragic voyage onboard the R.M.S. Titanic and they don't know that this was her first and only voyage.