they're flirting!

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It's been three days since Hope messaged Josie Saltzman for the first time. Since that day, they exchanged numbers and talked over texts a lot. Hope can tell that Josie is kind, it shows through her texts. They mostly talk about the homecoming date they have to plan, but sometimes their conversations goes out of their "professional" setting. Hope finds herself talking about art, and sharing a bit about her family. She learns a bit about Josie too, she learns that Josie has a twin sister and that they actually know each other. Hope understands why Josie's last name rang a bell since Lizzie Saltzman is the captain of the Salvatore volleyball team. The auburn haired girl learns about Josie's love for music and her distaste for bugs.

From : Josie Saltzman

hey! are we still meeting at the mystic grill friday after school?

Hope is sending a quick text to Josie to let her know she'll be there as she stands by her locker waiting for Penelope to join her, when she sees Landon walking over to her. She straightens up and puts her phone into her pocket. Hope gives Landon a small smile that he reciprocates.

"Hi." Landon says.

"Hey." Hope replies.

Hope quickly notices he's nervous. He doesn't look her in the eyes and he has his nervous smile on.

"Look, I just want to tell you something. I don't know if you've heard it already, but I really hope I'm the first to tell you. I'm seeing Dana."

It takes a moment for Hope to understand what he is saying. But when she does, she feels the anger building in her stomach. However, she doesn't let it show, instead she gives him her best fake smile.

"I'm happy for you!" She says.

Landon's eyes widen. "Really?"

"Yeah, you're moving on, just like me."

"I was hoping you would under- wait... You're seeing someone new?"

Hope nods. "Yeah. We started talking a couple of days ago."

Landon gives her a tight-lipped smile. "Good for you. Who's the lucky guy?"

"Guess you'll see at homecoming."

Before Landon has the chance to answer, Penelope walks and shoves Landon out of her way. When he stumbles, she looks back at him with a fake surprised expression.

"Sorry hobbit, I didn't see you there." She says before giving him a smirk.

He looks up and shakes his head. "Whatever. See you at homecoming Hope."

As soon as he's far enough, Penelope gives Hope a look.

"What the hell was that about?"

Hope scoffs. "Oh, you know, he just wanted to let me know he's dating Dana now."

"No way." Penelope says with big surprised eyes. "What did you tell him?"

Hope groans as she thinks of what she said. "I told him I'm seeing someone too and that he'll meet that person at homecoming."

"Well that's okay, right?" Penelope says with a shrug. "You'll have Josie there."

"Yeah, for homecoming, but I can't have Landon think that my new 'relationship' failed. If he never sees Josie after homecoming he'll start getting suspicious."

"Oh, because he won't think that it's just a date. He'll think you're actually dating Josie." Penelope says.

"Exactly." Hope puts her hands over her face. "I'm so stupid."

"No, you're not." Penelope protest. "It'll only cost you a little more. Ask Josie to be your fake girlfriend."

Hope shakes her head. "No way. It's embarrassing enough to pay her to go on a date with me, I won't pay her to be my fake girlfriend."

it's a date (the only problem is it's fake)Where stories live. Discover now