i can't believe Lizzie did that

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So maybe Hope should have planned her little intrusion into the Salvatore school. She didn't think about that though, the only thing she had in mind was seeing Josie. After the third week following their break up, Hope decided she had enough. She wants to see Josie again, and today is the day. When the coach told them at the start of the week that they were playing against the Stallions, Hope saw an opportunity and decided to take it. So she decided to skip the team bus and go with her car. She got to the Salvatore school early, just what she wanted. The one thing she didn't think about is the fact that the Salvatore school is a boarding school, so even after classes are over, there's still students hanging around. Hope tries her best to stay hidden, and to blend in when hiding is not a possibility. She gets weird looks, and she hears whispers. It's only when she locks eyes with MG that she knows she's just been busted. He immediately walks to her.

"Hope? Are you here for the game? I though it wasn't until 6." The boy says with an awkward smile.

"I, uh, yeah. The game, I'm here for the game." Hope says with a smile as she nods her head.

"Come on, I'll show you to the locker room." He starts to walk, so Hope follows him. "Where's your team?"

Hope bites her lip, then she finally decides to just tell him the truth. "They're not here yet. I got here early."

"Oh, okay. Does… does it have anything to do with Josie?"

Hope gently takes MG's wrist in her hand, and makes him stop. The boy turns around to look at her. 

"MG… I really need to see her." Hope takes a deep breath. "Do you know where I could find her? Please tell me she didn't go home yet."

MG suddenly looks uneasy. He avoids Hope's eyes. "Look Hope, I know we're friends, but… I can't tell you. Josie broke up with you, and I don't know why, but I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate me telling you where she is."

Hope lets out a frustrated sigh. "MG, I promise she won't be angry at you, okay? I won't even tell her you told me."

"I don't know…"

"I love her, MG. Please, I need to see her."

"I can't, I'm sorry." MG says as he shakes his head. 

Hope sighs in defeat, and then she forces a smile. "I'm sorry I tried to force your hand MG. I'm happy you're being a great friend to Josie." The auburn haired girl starts to walk again. "I'll just go back to my car and wait until my team gets here. Bye MG."

"Bye Hope." MG watches as she walks away, he closes his eyes debating with himself what to do. "You know, our music classes are really great. You should check them out."

Hope turns around with a confused frown. "The music rooms? Why would I...Oh." A big smile plays on her lips. "Thank you."

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