15. Include a scene where something embarrassing happens with Christmas lights

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"Right this way dear" Dorothy says, closing the front door behind me and leading the way to the living room.

For a bungalow it was a pretty big living room.

"There are brown boxes in that cupboard over there that have 'Christmas Decorations' written on it, if you just bring them all out and i'll choose what I want to be put up. Only the best for my grandson" she says smiling to herself. "Oh and if some boxes are too heavy for you he should be coming over soon so he can use his big muscles to get them out for you" she says walking over to the window, pulling back the curtain to look outside.

"He'll love to meet you you know i've told him a lot about you and I think you two will get along just fine" she says sitting down on the sofa.

I walk over to the cupboard and open the creaky door to find shelves full of boxes and a big box labelled 'Tree'. Since I knew she would want her tree up I pulled out the box and carried it into the living room.

After a while the artificial tree was up and placed in the window, where Dorothy wanted it. I was just starting to get the lights out of a box when I heard a car pull up outside of the bungalow. Taking the ball of lights with me, I went over to the window to investigate. There, stepping out of the car that just pulled up was no other than Luke himself. Locking the car and walking right this way.

"Ermmm Dorothy, I think your grandson's here" I say and she jumps up from where she's sat and walks as fast as she can to her front door.

I hide behind the tree, trying to untangle the many lights in my hands, this cannot be happening I thought to myself. Of all people her grandson is Luke, the guy from the many incidents in the park. I wanted to call Grace and tell her what was happening but I heard footsteps and I moved further around the tree in the hope he wouldn't see me. I continued to untangle the lights, when I'd finished I reached up to the top of the tree, trying to put the lights as high as I could. Why do I have to be so small? I asked myself.

"Need a hand?" I hear and I froze, not knowing what to do.

"Why are you nearly in the tree Holly?" I hear him say through laughter, I feel my face turn a deep crimson, "No no I don't need your help I'm fine thanks" I say trying to wave him away from the inside of the tree, how did I even get this far in?

"Are you sure, I'm a lot taller than you" he says with a slight smirk on his face. I back up out of the tree and as I go to turn around I felt myself falling, 'what's happening!' my brain thinks as I fall through the air to the floor. I close my eyes, waiting for the inevitable but suddenly I stop. Relief rushes over me as I look up to find myself entangled in Luke's arms. He helps me stand, untangling the christmas tree lights from my ankle.

"Be more careful Holly, I know it's hard to resist falling for me" he says giving me a subtle cheeky wink.

"In your dreams" I reply, quickly turning around to hide the embarassment that had turned my face a flushed pink. "I, I might go and help Dorothy with the rest of the decorations" I say, trying to defuse the tension, letting him get on with the lights.

After a while all the decorations were done and I stood back to look at the amazing creation that had accumulated over the past few hours.

"Thank you so much Holly you've done a wonderful job" Dorothy says giving me a hug.

"It's fine I've really enjoyed helping out" I said smiling at her, a part of me grateful for the awkward encounter with Luke.

"Well I won't get in the way any longer, why don't you get to know each other better, it's clear you get on very well. I'll be in the back room if you need anything, but Luke's a right charmer, I just know he will treat you right" she says smiling at me and walking away, with a glint in her eyes.

"What was she saying to you, you've been standing there with a massive smile on your face for ages"

I stand in silence, enjoying the kind words Dorothy said, going over them in my head.

"Ok Holly I don't like it when your quiet, please say something" he says and I just look at him.

"Nothing, just that your a charmer and you would treat me right" I say smiling at him, slightly embarassed and he looks down, clearly going red.

"Why don't we make a snowman?" I propose, trying to make Luke feel less awkward. I hold my hand out and he looks up and smiles, his cheeks still a bit rosy from Dorothy's compliment. "I'll get my coat" he replies and takes my hand.

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