17. A character loses their winter scarf. What happened?

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The next morning I lay in bed recalling all the quirky little things he'd said and the disastorous snowman that ended up in a massive snowball fight. When my ringtone disrupted my deep thoughts.

I rummage around on my bedside table and answer it, not even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I say, trying not to fall back to sleep.

"Holly, I believe you left something at my Gran's yesterday" I hear his dreamy voice beam down the line and I immediately woke up.

"And that would be?" I quiz

"Your scarf....from the snowman, if you want you can come over soon and you can get your scarf back...it also gives us a chance to hang out" he says and I sigh, just sitting listening to his voice is sending me over the edge.

"Holly? Are you still there?" he asks bringing me out of my trance.

"Yeah yeah that sounds great, what time do you want me there?" I ask squinting at the time, 10:30am, wow I slept in.

"How about 10:45am?"

"Yeah ok, I'll see you then, bye" and we both hang up.

Rlisation hits me and my eyes widen at the fact that I only have 15 minutes to get ready, I jump out of bed and start throwing some clothes on.

15 minutes later and miraculously I'm ready, I arrive at Dorothy's house and before I can even knock on the door, there is a loud bang and a rattling of keys from behind the door before it flies open and Luke is stood there, rubbing his elbow.

"Are you alright?" I question.

"Yep, my elbow just wanted to high five the wall" he says turning a deep shade of crimson and I giggle at him.

I hear my phone vibrate and notice it's a message from Luke.

"Maybe if you're free we can meet up tomorrow? Only if you promise not to get entangled in any christmas trees" an implied cheeky tone in his voice. I smiled and swiftly replied

"Sounds good, I'm up for that, but I can't promise anything about the tree ;)"

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